

Outstanding news

26/07/2024 11:32 PM
President Maduro to the spokesperson of the US Department of Defense: Kirby, shut up! Shur up!

26/07/2024 11:27 PM
President Maduro on former right-wing presidents who tried to enter the country illegally: They are ridiculous!

26/07/2024 11:06 PM
National leader: BRICS arrived in Venezuela with petrochemical and steel investments

26/07/2024 10:37 PM
President Maduro revealed that Trump expressed his interest in dialogue and regularizing relations

26/07/2024 10:20 PM
Head of State: Venezuela has been reborn but there is still a long way to go

Recent news

President Maduro to the spokesperson of the US Department of Defense: Kirby, shut up! Shur up!

President Maduro on former right-wing presidents who tried to enter the country illegally: They are ridiculous!

National leader: BRICS arrived in Venezuela with petrochemical and steel investments

President Maduro revealed that Trump expressed his interest in dialogue and regularizing relations

Head of State: Venezuela has been reborn but there is still a long way to go

President Maduro: The Venezuelan people constantly demonstrate a high level of consciousness

Head of State: Venezuela will dedicate its triumph to Néstor Kirchner because fascism will not pass

President Maduro: The People Will Give an Example of Civility, Peace and Power That Will Amaze the World

No tricks or tricks...! Cabello warned: former IDEA presidents run a show to disturb the 28J elections

Bolivarian Government delivers rehabilitated CDI in El Junquito

President Nicolás Maduro inaugurated the Hugo Chávez New Generation Mission Hospital

INEA restricts the sailing of recreational and sports boats throughout the country

Venezuelan flag waved in Paris during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games

Why is it important to vote?

Minister Velásquez: It is false that he refused entry to a COPA airline flight from Panama

Alex Saab: President Nicolás Maduro is loyalty, prosperity, growth and peace

No tricks or tricks...! Diosdado Cabello has already warned: They're going to sing fraud

Attorney General warned that those who promote the usurpation of the functions of the CNE will commit a crime

President Maduro will deliver 4 fully recovered hospitals in Caracas, Falcón, Barinas and Lara

Head of State delivers 28 health projects across the country: What we have done is a miracle


The second González Urrutia and his time in El Salvador

Popular Sovereignty and Moral Power in the Angostura Speech

Con El Mazo Dando: A Decade of Battle with Chávez, for Venezuela, the People and the Bolivarian Socialist Revolution

Boycott Rosales and abstention! María Corina's plan with her friend Magalli Meda


Pueblo Alert! Get to know María Violencia's plan for this Sunday

No tricks or tricks...! El Mazo had already warned of La Sayona's false positive in Lara

The philosopher broke it! Find out what La Sayo's reaction was after the failure in Maracaibo

They're going against La Sayo! Find out what is being prepared at the PUPU when Nicolás Maduro's victory is announced on Sunday

Pueblo Alert! Know that La Sayo and Rector Delpino are preparing for 28J


Chávez Undefeated: A Revolution Must Settle in the Bowels of the People

Chávez Undefeated: Venezuela rose from the dead and today the Fatherland lives

Even the opponents don't want María Corina

Chávez to the People: Vote for Nicolás Maduro Moros, I ask you from my heart!

La Sayona's anti-Venezuelan novel seems to be endless

The right doesn't believe in elections, they believe in violence