Ethyl tour! Find out why Sayo is desperate after Inmundo's ghostly tour


Published at: 19/02/2025 10:02 PM
February 19, 2025
Location: Valle Arriba Golf Club
Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club
Hello Gordooooooooo! , Chubby! How are you? Watch ¡Diosdi! I'm writing to you super fast because I promised to connect via zoom with Cori for a medical appointment because the anger attacks are now more intense and more frequent, so Cori is going to consult the witch she says you packed her up, and then let's see what other low-budget journalist can interview her, it's just that Cori is very desperate to talk so they don't forget her, so now she zooms in with the tigress from the East, bone! , Cori doesn't assume it's a newspaper from yesterday.
Speaking of yesterday, God! It's not possible for Cori to keep inventing crazy things. Cori's last bad idea to attract attention is to ask the Magalli Meda loquis to damage the power plant of the embassy where they locked themselves up. Magalí is very desperate and anxious because she knows that Uncle Immundo died, I mean! , politically, and that only Chapulín Colorado can save her. Life is a boomerang my mango jelly! , I still remember when Cori said that we should run out of electricity, without gas, without food, what things don't!
God! , Cori doesn't stop smoking and taking anxiolytics, although I think she has enough reason to be that way, because everything goes wrong for her. Tío Inmundo's tourist trip is a failure; the elections for May 25 are a fact; Nico Maduro is getting stronger every day; the uncovering of the USAID pot will leave everyone uncovered; and the contempt of my friends the gringos is evident.
God! Cori is saltier than the sea, this happens to her because she didn't listen to me when I told her to grab her little blue wallet and go live with her children.
MY SOURSOP POCICLE. My uncle Inmundo's international tourism has left a deep embarrassment among those close to him. Imagine that Tio Inmundo thought that when he arrived at the Bayerischer Hof hotel in Germany, he would be greeted with a red carpet and paper, that's right! My Gordis, they jokingly gave him coffee for the cold. On the second day of being in Germany, my uncle went into despair and then Cori, because no one wanted to meet him, not even the attendants of the attendees! , please ooooor!
God! , despite the fact that Cori and my uncle El Inmundo called all the phones in the yellow pages, even though they pressured Rick Scott and María Elvira Salazar, there was no way or way that my friends, Marco Rubio or the vice-president of Gringolandia, would approach my uncle Inmundo to say hello! ... good! Nobody rules him out of a rice cooker and to believe the lie that he is a world leader.
MY LOQUAT COMPOTIC. As desperation only ends in disaster, Ledezma's louse and some Crazy Leo people, seeing that my uncle wasn't raising any dust, moved without saying anything to Cori so that at least my uncle Inmundo would quickly meet with the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan and be able to make some noise, but all wrong.
In Washington, my friends the gringos were furious and at the ICC, the people of Cori, were declared inadmissible the challenge they had made against Prosecutor Karim Khan because the International Criminal Court realized that they want to use this instance and the discourse of justice to carry out a coup d'etat in Venezuela. God! , Cori is such a liar that she even wanted to deceive the ICC, but they discovered her. My coconut nougat, this doesn't end there, Cori almost died when the Court of Appeals took it for granted that there is no case against Nicolás Maduro, in short! , the thing about the fact that the ICC is going to arrive tomorrow and is going to put a panties on Nico Maduro, that will not happen.
God or Joseph! , you can imagine that with so much failure, everyone begins to look at Cori as the magnet of misfortune. Cori ended the Unitary Platform; Cori closed the door on those who from their own ranks want to participate in the April election; Cori is the one who pays and directs the dirty campaigns that are carried out among opponents; Cori is to blame for the fact that many of her allies are in prison and so many others are in hiding; and of course, Cori, together with Magalli Meda, are to blame for the fact that the international community has lost respect for them, because between the threats of spoiled girls and Lies that they invent, many ambassadors don't even want to hear their names.
My pie with bread. They no longer know what to do with my uncle Inmundo, although my aunt Mercedes has just confirmed to me that they are returning to Spain. God! , since USAID was dismantled and businessmen closed their wallets, Cori knows that she cannot continue to buy prizes around the world, nor can she support my uncle's tourism. There is a war going on like a knife for silver, because Leopoldo López's lousy guy said that he can't keep throwing money away and the only alternative left for Tío Inmundo is for Cori to leave the pichirres and get out of his dollars, but Cori says that Uncle Inmundo spends a lot and that Aunt Mercedes doesn't do anything, that he should stay at home, which is a hindrance.
But my little boy from Furriala, the fight over expenses doesn't end there. Turns out that Ledezma's Mitzi, the same lady whose son-in-law stole 600 million dollars and goes through life like nothing, well! That same one, he told Ledezma's louse that, if my aunt Mercedes was traveling with the Unworld, she would also travel. I'll leave you the photo of the Mitzi at the prize show they bought in Switzerland.
God or Joseph! I don't like to say that I told you this, but just as I've been writing to you for weeks, Cori can only continue on the path of lies and false positives, so she keeps saying that “Venezuela is a threat to the world and that's why it must be intervened”, God! Tell me if Cori is not a clown, because it turns out that Cori is threatened, but not by Nico Maduro or by you, but by a journalist who claims to have dark secrets from her and Magalli, Diosdi! , I'd better keep quiet.
Cori doesn't want to understand that with false positives she loses a lot when the truth comes out, and she must think that with their communication platform in decline and the loss of credibility, it will be more difficult for them to attract the attention of thinking people. By the way, my colita ice cream with milk, Cori hired a survey and almost died when they told her that she has only 16% support with a tendency to continue to fall.
Along the same lines goes Uncle Inmundo, who, without personality and without shame, thought of lying to Roberta Metzola, the President of the European Parliament, stating that he has 80% of the National Armed Forces on his side, please! so big and so chatty, I suppose Mrs. Metzola will wonder why uncle left Venezuela, and why didn't he return on January 10 to be sworn in? , if it has all that military power. God! I think that at this time the Europeans understood that my Uncle Immundo is a buffoon and a mythomaniac.
God! I have a very toxic story for you. It turns out that my uncle Inmundo is crying from corner to corner because of his son-in-law, who is in prison for cooperating in terrorist plans, but God, all that is a show, because days before he was arrested, my uncle Inmundo and his son-in-law had an argument over money that Uncle Inmundo gave him to keep it for him, please! What the latest are they! God or Joseph! , listen to me, this means that Uncle Inmundo doesn't care about his son-in-law or his family either, he just wants his dollars back, so he asks to be released.
MY BABY GERBER, it's time for tea and cookies, but since you're not from the Country, I have to be more explicit, time for gossip.
A little bird told me that Alberto Ravell is looking to sell the sidearm, but first he must answer for funding received from USAID through the National Democratic Institute. His son-in-law and partner, Jesús Ramírez, boasted of his good relations with Liliana Hernández, one of NDI's contractors for Venezuela.
My manicurist “la Maryuris”, who lives in Miami, told me that they are trying to set up a show with the Supreme Court in exile. They open the curtain and the supposed magistrates in exile sit with the unburied corpse of Luis Almagro; they close the curtain, they can't get my friends the gringos to pay even a minimum of attention to him; the curtain falls and Carlos Méndez, the owner of the channel EVTV Miami, appears, trying to set up a resource so that the so-called “TSJ in exile” orders my Uncle Inmundo to be sworn in as president. God! , I've never heard so much stupid shit together, you can swear it, but who's going to recognize it?
Tatis, the one who does the shopping for me in Europe, who is in Germany, told me that Roberto Patiño is more scared than my friend who is rabipeled on the highway valley car. Patiño knows that his NGO is one of the NGOs that has received the most money and laundered from USAID disque to feed people inside and outside of Venezuela, so we saw him sitting next to my uncle Inmundo in Germany. Patiño sent him to tell Cori that he wants to work with her for the supposed freedom of Venezuela, but Patiño is only looking to save himself because he knows that in Venezuela or in the United States, he has a secure trial for fraud and money laundering.
Cori's communication collapse is being felt. Many pseudo-influncers, mercenaries on social networks, are stopping talking about Cori and Uncle Immundo, nothing my sweetie for free. An obvious and emblematic case is that of Agustín Antonetti, who did not stop writing about Venezuela for a single day because that gave him views and money. Good God! Turns out that his last post about Tío Inmundo was on January 29 when uncle was in Peru, if you don't pay, the music doesn't play! You also have the case of the most staunch of Cori's defenders, Alberto Barradas, better known as “Psychovir”, who has already begun to demand explanations from Cori, but since she lives drunk, then she doesn't find out until the next day. Definitely, my girl doesn't learn the difference between allies and employees, even if they seem like homophone words.
Dissody! , Cori is very concerned about the arrest of Luis Somaza, the double agent who no longer knows if he worked for Cori or Leopoldo. God! , the lousy guy from Somaza joined Vente Venezuela in 2018 at a high-profile event that I helped organize myself, but in 2019 Somaza ended up being the administrator and carrying Guaidó's briefcase. Somaza is thoroughly involved in stealing and defrauding USAID money through implementers.
God! Is that what I'm thinking? , in other words, Cori lied to us and was also living on an interim basis and stealing money for alleged humanitarian aid. I believe my police captain, that now we are going to know about Cori and all the money that was left in 2023 with the excuse of the primary, money that was being lowered by USAID through an implementer called the Pan American Foundation for Development (FUPAF) and at the head was her friend Carolina Brea Matute, the queen of fruit and vegetables.
The truth is that Luis Somaza, who also kept money for Guaidó, did business with Freddy Guevara and Yon Goicoechea, then distanced himself a bit from Cori and continued to operate for the people in Voluntad Popular. This gets interesting Diosdado José!
I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a Cacri.
Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.
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