

The Mazazos

25/07/2024 12:13 AM
Pueblo Alert! Get to know María Violencia's plan for this Sunday

24/07/2024 11:04 PM
No tricks or tricks...! El Mazo had already warned of La Sayona's false positive in Lara

24/07/2024 10:59 PM
The philosopher broke it! Find out what La Sayo's reaction was after the failure in Maracaibo

24/07/2024 10:40 PM
They're going against La Sayo! Find out what is being prepared at the PUPU when Nicolás Maduro's victory is announced on Sunday

17/07/2024 11:56 PM
Pueblo Alert! Know that La Sayo and Rector Delpino are preparing for 28J

17/07/2024 11:22 PM
For sectarian! Find out what the plans of the philosopher from Zulia are to take revenge on La Sayo on 28J

10/07/2024 11:54 PM
They got tired! Learn about the position taken by the United States in the face of La Sayo's lies

10/07/2024 11:04 PM
Learn why drug traffickers Álvaro Uribe and Iván Duque are upset with La Sayo (+false positives)

10/07/2024 10:50 PM
Gerontophobia or Narcissism? Learn the stories about La Sayona's mistreatment of the Unclean Pataruco

10/07/2024 10:32 PM
Pueblo Alert! Learn about the plans of La Sayo and a group of bankers in the face of the imminent defeat of 28J

03/07/2024 11:00 PM
Egodly and paranoid! Learn about La Sayo's plans to remove Inmundo and discover alleged traitors

03/07/2024 09:20 PM
It melted! Learn about La Sayo's plans to create chaos in the face of imminent defeat

03/07/2024 09:02 PM
Everything is being flipped over! Learn how La Sayo reacted to the dialogue between Venezuela and the United States

26/06/2024 10:46 PM
Goodbye Sayo! Find out what the White House's plans are in the face of the imminent victory of Nicolás Maduro

26/06/2024 09:45 PM
Alone and without friends! Learn why Leopoldo López, Rafael Ramírez and Manuel Rosales are square without La Sayo

19/06/2024 10:41 PM
The gringos don't believe him! La Sayo seeks to cover up the failure of commandos and the electoral defeat (+fraud)

19/06/2024 09:54 PM
He panicked! Find out why La Sayo is thinking about breaking up with Crazy Leo and Juanito Alimaña (+CITGO)

19/06/2024 08:43 PM
Unbearable! Adecos can't stand La Sayona anymore (more details)

19/06/2024 08:34 PM
Desperate! Find out what La Sayo's violent plan consists of in the face of the imminent defeat of 28J

12/06/2024 09:36 PM
Pure avarice! Find out what Inmundo agreed with La Sayo and why she denies him resources for the campaign