

Zulia, Monagas and Aragua say they are present at the house to house of the 1x10 electoral

1x10 machinery

Published at: 09/06/2024 12:58 PM

The basic structure of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is making progress in checking the 1x10 electoral machinery in the states of Zulia, Monagas and Aragua.

“We are having a house-to-house party certifying and validating the 1x10 before our president Nicolás Maduro, guaranteeing the victory of Venezuela,” said Lubia Colmenares, head of the parish PSUV.

For her part, Yelitza Veracienta from Monagua, head of the community of Las Flores, highlighted the importance of 1x10 because it allows us to be in contact with people to also give them a possible amount of happiness.

“It has allowed us to be closer to our neighbors, to bring their medicines home to home, to help them solve any situation,” he said.

On the other hand, Neiris Cirit, head of Francisco de Miranda's UBCH in the state of Aragua, indicated that she carries 96% of the load to the 1x10 system in a verifiable and verifiable manner.

“We are all organized and ready for a new victory,” he said.

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