

ZULIA - MARACAIBO//President Maduro: The extreme right is very bad, but it's worse at governing

He recalled that it was this extremist leadership that asked US imperialism to carry out an invasion against the country.
Presidential Press

Published at: 01/06/2024 07:02 PM

The President of the Republic and candidate of the revolutionary forces for the presidential elections of April 28, Nicolás Maduro Moros, warned that with the election of leaders of opposition extremism to government offices, it is the People who lose.

“When the people vote for the extreme right, they lose,” said the head of state during a meeting with the leaders of the Chavista machinery of the state of Zulia, an entity governed by opposition extremism like the city of Maracaibo.

“When the people voted for the extreme right, they lost in Maracaibo, they lost in San Francisco and they lost in Zulia,” he said.

He recalled that it was this extremist leadership that asked US imperialism to carry out an invasion against the country. The call for invasion that was felt especially here on the border, all the damage they did to the Homeland in the last 6 years, are very bad, but if they come to the government they are worse; and they win a governor's office or a mayor's office and they forget about the people,” he denounced.

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