

ZULIA - MARACAIBO//President Maduro: If they eat the lights, the people take to the streets to defend peace and democracy

Meeting with the People of Maracaibo, Zulia State
Presidential Press

Published at: 27/06/2024 06:50 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, warned the fascist right this Thursday that he will not allow guarimbas to return to the country either before, during or after the presidential elections on July 28.

“I am a man of dialogue, of peace, but I am a warrior. I will not allow fascism to return with its guarimba,” said the Head of State from Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia, during a massive mobilization in support of the Bolivarian Revolution.

He pointed out that opposition extremism has a plan “to bring violence to the country again”, so he warned that “if they eat the light, the people will take to the streets to defend peace, life, democracy”.

He reiterated that he is a man of dialogue and consensus. “I know how to hear, I learned it on the streets, I learned it in the factory, in the neighborhoods, because I was trained just like all of you, walking through the streets, through the neighborhoods. I come from the working class and I am proud to be a working class president, so that the oligarchy burns, Presidente Pueblo, I am not from the old political class,” he emphasized.

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