

ZULIA - MARACAIBO/Nicolás Maduro: 58 days left until the great victory of 28J in Zulia and throughout Venezuela

“We are better organizing ourselves to build the new and powerful 1x10 machinery,” he said.
Presidential Press

Published at: 01/06/2024 06:48 PM

“Today is June 1, 2024, 58 days until the great victory of 28J in Zulia and throughout Venezuela,” emphasized the president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, during a meeting he held with leaders of the Chavista machinery of the Zulian entity.

He specified that this meeting was requested to coordinate actions for the organization of the deployment for victory in the upcoming electoral process in order to guarantee peace in the country.

“ We are building on the basis of strength, of discipline, we are better organizing ourselves to build the new and powerful 1x10 machinery to win the elections broadly and guarantee peace,” he said.

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