

ZULIA - MARACAIBO//Head of State: In 15 days he will deliver rehabilitated spaces at the University Hospital

“We're going to beat the shit out of all of Venezuela, but we don't have to trust each other,” the head of state estimated

Published at: 27/06/2024 05:23 PM

This Thursday, June 27, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced that the Bolivarian Government will hand over the next 15 days the rehabilitated spaces of the University Hospital of Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia.

“We will deliver the package works for the University Hospital of Maracaibo,” he said in the Luis Hurtado parish, in the Maracaibo municipality, in the state of Zulia, where he received the full support of the people of this entity for his re-election.

During his presentation, the head of state gave a brief summary of the works he has delivered to the entity for the benefit of the Zulian people, including the National Gaita Foundation, “socially protecting all pipers”.

“I love the bagpipes, I learned to love them for their strength, character, musicality and beauty. The bagpipe lives in Zulia, but it already belongs to all of Venezuela and beyond our borders,” he said.

He also ratified the need to make progress in many areas, “that's why it's important to decide well”.

“I saw him in Barlovento, in Guiana, yesterday I saw him in Quíbor and Barquisimeto, in your eyes I see the victory drawn on July 28,” he said.

In that sense, he emphasized that he knew what he was saying when he said that he was winning the electoral contest, “we are going to win by beating all over Venezuela”, however, he considered that “we should not trust each other” and invited communities to remain active and organized.

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