

ZULIA - MARACAIBO//Candidate Maduro thanked the People for the organization through 1x10x7

Nicolás Maduro Moros, GPPSB candidate
Courtesy: Presidential Press

Published at: 25/07/2024 02:42 PM


During the closing of the campaign of the candidate of the Great Patriotic Pole Simon Bolivar (GPPSB), Nicolás Maduro Moros, from the city of Maracaibo, Zulia state, thanked the organization of the People in the entity.

The candidate assured that the 1x10x7 mechanism implemented through the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is the guarantee of peace and “I have reports that they are in the first places of organization,” he stressed.

“I only obey two forces: the power of the almighty God and that of the humble people,” he said, adding that “We are the People's Power in Venezuela!”

In this regard, he recalled that the radical extremist right has only sought to harm the People through sanctions and requests for invasions “it was in those difficult moments that the Bolivarian Revolution accompanied its Zulian people.”

“I want to continue making progress in consolidating a new robust and strong economy,” he said and urged the People to organize to consolidate their projects.

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