

Zero people, zero mourners! This is what María Corina's Command really looked like in Caracas

María Corina Machado Command, Quinta Bejucal
Patriota Cooperante Photo

Published at: 20/03/2024 09:52 PM

Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Quinta Bejucal

Patriota Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordooooooooooooooooooo! God, I already missed the massages I had the other day, I'm super stressed with all this Cori drama, I feel like I'm in the last hours of the Titanic, everything is funeral and stressful.

I'm leaving Quinta Bejucal, then I'll go have champagne with my friends at the club Diosdado, what do you drink for stress? , don't tell me what a handsome town boy, please oooooooo!.

Today I am so confused, I came running because in all the VENTE chats they said that Bejucal was taken over by the SEBIN, by the military, so I said to myself: “This is your chance to arrive myself, to be supportive and to call Diosdi to save Cori”, but in other words, when I arrived, only the minister of popular power was present for falsehood Delsa Solorzano, who steals Maria's phones Beatriz; the one from the Penélope Hotel, Freddy Superlano; the chair keeper Biagio Pillieri, the aspiring successor Perkins Rochas and a few more from the chiripero. Piero Morun, from AD Ramos Allup, arrived when everything was over and there was only the girl in the press at UNT. I'm sending you a video, there were no babies there, zero people, zero mourners.

Diosdado, Cori is completely weakened and alone, she finished speaking and immediately went up to her office alone. She couldn't even answer the journalists when they asked her why weren't all the representatives of the Unitary Platform present? Cori's voice broke when talking, I haven't seen her like that since we were studying at the Merici Academy and she pretended to cry in plays.

At the press conference, she spoke again about the spiritual struggle, good and evil. Definitely now she not only suffers from Excessive Dreaming (TEE), but now she must also be treated by some witches, because she says that the Chavistas are casting enchantments at her, my poor friend.

God, what's happening doesn't surprise me one bit. I warned Cori a lot that this team would lead her to perdition, that Henry Alviarez was always doing something strange with people in Barinas and Colombia trading dirty money. I had warned Magalli a week ago, I told him “they are taking Cori astray and this will end badly”. Diosdado José I am not happy that they are in prison, but when people get into trouble they must know what line they are walking on.

Cori doesn't understand that her financiers, that the transnational corporations, that Marco Rubio, that María Elvira Salazar, are all seeing if she achieves something, but they are not her friends, are not going to immolate themselves for her. No one will complain to Cori in the last few hours and she knows it, she didn't learn from Guaidó.

Baby, yesterday when the match between Cori and Rosales ended, she called me and said that she was very aware of the betrayal of Manuel, Delsa, grandpa Allup and others, but that in the face of the betrayal of the PUD, her best revenge would be for Nico Maduro to win. God, please smell! , the only thing I need is for Cori to go to the PSUV and steal your love from me, I really can't stand it.

Tomorrow we'll see Rosales and Cori's faces again, but something is cooking without a good smell, much less after I found out that the Botox kidnapper, Manu Rosales, spoke to JJ Rendón, turn on your Diosdado José alarms and then don't call me toxic.

For now, Vente Venezuela has run out of line. Some are hiding in embassies and others must already be crossing Cúcuta. From the Platform, many who talk about solidarity on their social networks are happy, because they were hurt by the threat of Magalli, they are Pharisees.

Diosdado, the phrase is no longer said to the end, because the end has arrived. In the meantime, I will be there with my friend, because knowing Cori, she will act as if the hand that rocks the cradle will accept a bad arrangement to undertake a new plan: to survive the triumph of Nico Maduro and then open a new battle front.

By the way, La Chiqui, my hairdresser who dates a PJ goat, told me that the fights continue in Primero Justicia, there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with Carlos Ocariz, who continues to suck María Corina's stockings. Chiqui's boyfriend, my hairdresser, said that Capriles is happy that Primero Justicia is run by the fat Brito as long as they don't take away his budget for AN2015, because that way they take away that headache of having to apply to someone. Another toothache they have is the desperation to know who is giving you information. They will have to drink moringa too.

As always, I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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