

Yván Gil: Noboa's claim to bring Venezuela to the Security Council is spurious and meaningless

Chancellor Yván Gil

Published at: 04/09/2024 11:31 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil Pinto, described as ironic the intention of the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, to bring Venezuela to the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) because he considered it a threat.

Through the Telegram channel, the head of Foreign Affairs, pointed out that Noboa's claim is spurious and meaningless. At the same time, he questioned whether it is precisely the Ecuadorian president who makes such a request, since his country “is mired in crime, ruin and incapacity for government.”

He also said that “Noboa is indeed a real threat to the stability of the region, and it is he who should be brought before the UN Security Council. His government represents a danger to his neighbors, with his nation in chaos and his leadership subservient to foreign interests. As Ecuador crumbles under its disastrous management, it seeks to divert attention by attacking Venezuela.”

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