

Yván Gil: Everyone who called for sanctions and invasions must be treated as a traitor to the Fatherland

“It is clear that in Venezuela there is a constant dialogue with a democratic opposition that is participating in elections,” he said

Published at: 18/04/2024 01:16 PM

The Foreign Minister of the Republic, Yván Gil, emphasized that the Bolivarian Government keeps open the possibility of dialogue with all the social, political and economic sectors of the country, to guarantee stability and strengthen the country's progress towards prosperity.

“It is clear that in Venezuela there is a constant dialogue with a democratic opposition that is participating in elections (...), but also with various social, religious and economic sectors. In that spirit of consultation, that spirit of working with Venezuelan society remains intact, all Venezuelans who want to participate are welcome and we will listen to them,” he said.

Regarding the extremist sector of the Venezuelan right, the Venezuelan official lamented the surrendering and lackey attitude of this opposition political leadership and maintained that those who called for sanctions and invasions should be considered and treated as traitors to the Homeland.

“They are traitors to the Fatherland and justice will take care of it,” he said.

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