

Yumare massacre: The reflection of an extreme right that does not believe in human rights

Yumare massacre
Internet photo

Published at: 08/05/2024 08:00 AM

On May 8, 1986, a group of peasants, in the town of Yumare, in the state of Yaracuy, were assassinated by the repressive forces of governments that, in faithful obedience to imperial orders, sowed terror and death among the population that they condemned to poverty.

Luis Rafael Guzmán Green (40), José Rosendo Silva Medina (33), Ronald José Morao Salgado (31), Dilia Antonia Rojas (42), Simon José Romero Madrid (28), Pedro Pablo Jiménez García (40), Rafael Ramón Quevedo Infante (31), Nelson Martín Castellano Díaz (31) and Alfredo Caicedo Castillo (31) were the victims of that criminal action.

Using his allies in the media, this vile murder of peasants wanted to be presented to the community as a fight between the State security forces led by the murderer Henry López Sisco and members of “a subversive group”, a lie that was refuted by family members and residents of the area, who denounced the massacre.

But the force of silence that prevailed in the fourth republic left no room for the voices demanding justice, which managed to be heard, by the new Bolivarian and revolutionary State, which in 2006 reopened this case, determining in a 2011 ruling that, according to the images, it was a vile massacre against these nine people who were arrested, tortured and executed, for the sole crime of claiming their right to life and dignity in a peaceful manner.

38 years after this vile massacre, the Venezuelan people honor the memory of these Venezuelans and raise their voices to sing the songs of love, life and revolution, which vibrate in the souls of Venezuelans who say to imperialism and its murderous lackeys, they will not return!

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