

Youth Day: Patriotic rebellion that continues from generation to generation

Celebration in honor of the students who staged the battle in 1814
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 12/02/2024 08:14 AM

Since 1947, by decree of the Constituent Assembly of the time, Venezuela celebrates Youth Day every February 12th, in honor of the students who fought alongside José Félix Ribas and Vicente Campo Elías in the Battle of Victory in 1814.

On this historic date, 1,500 young patriots faced the army of José Tomás Boves, in a battle that lasted 8 hours with a patriotic victory.

“On this day that will be memorable, we cannot choose between winning or dying: it is necessary to win! Long live the Republic!” , exclaimed José Félix Ribas.

During his administration, Chávez highlighted the role of Venezuelan youth, guaranteeing them free and quality education, which made Venezuela one of the countries with the highest university enrollment.

“I ask you guys, because you are the most sublime, there is nothing comparable to the sublime strength of youth, you are the perennial Homeland present here (...) You are children of the Revolution and you will be fathers and mothers of new revolutions,” said Commander Chávez on February 6, 2010 at the Teresa Carreño Theater.

Today, under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro, Venezuelan youth are at the forefront in the defense of the sovereignty of the Homeland, the one for which the brave people of Ribas gave their body and soul until they won.

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