

You're not going! Learn why the “ambassador” Palma de Coco shook Maria Con Ira

The United States ambassador advised Sayo that she should think about a replacement

Published at: 10/01/2024 10:15 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the red house with white bars that has the eyes of Chávez and a poster of Maduro.

Patriota Patricio the Maracucho

What was Diosdado? Happy New Year Mijo, how are you doing dear cousin?

Look, I've already been discharged from the hospital. I was hospitalized for a week in the CDI because I had indigestion because of everything I ate for dinner on the 31st. Brother, I sent myself seven surgically operated hallacas, I ate a mollejuo ham bread with tartar sauce, I also ate all the Majarete candies my mom made and passed them with the three-liter Big Cola, but I think good luck lentils were what I didn't like. The important thing is that I am well now thanks to God and La Chinita who never abandon me.

Diosdado, the year began very politically active in the party. The first week of January, María Corina, alias Sayo, ordered us to meet in person there in Caracas. Well Diosdado, I boarded my plane and left on the first flight I got.

Only Sayo's most trusted people, including me, were invited to the meeting. Here comes the first atomic bomb, put on your seat belt: María Corina told us that the United States ambassador, Francisco Palma de Coco, informed her that they have been unable to do anything with her political disqualification and that she should be thinking of a replacement. Palma de Coco advised Sayo to act in such a way that people don't feel deceived or they will end up like Juan Guaidó, who now no one wants him, not even in Miami.

Diosdado, another thing that Ambassador Palma de Coco said to María Corina, was that she should look like a democrat and avoid opposing the PUD. The logical thing would be for her to raise her hand to whoever came second in the opposition primaries, namely Carlos Prosperi, but Sayo said that was impossible and spoke ill of him, that's why your candidate Delsa Solorzano is rubbing her hands, but she's going to be cold in the fridge.

Diosdado, put on your belt because here comes the second atomic bomb. María Corina invited me to smoke a cigarette, you know that I don't smoke, but I keep listening to the gossip until I can handle a witch's tobacco. She confessed to me that she doesn't trust any of the PUD, that they are all traitors, that she doesn't even trust the alliance with Leopoldo López and that her best card is Magalí Meda, her campaign manager and her most trusted person. Sayo asked me to keep it a secret. Diosdado please, brother, you can't tell anyone because I get into a big problem if this information is leaked she's going to distrust me and Magalí can kick me out of the party, see that she's in charge as María Corina's partner too, don't get me wrong, what I mean is that they go everywhere together.

God, get ready because we're just getting our arms warmed up. In 2024 what is coming is rice with mango for the opposition, they are more entangled than the mane of Perolito and Escarlata, and saltier than the little mermaid.

Brother so you know, the thing about your friend, La Sifrina, got a little cold because I think she's looking out for someone else, I invited her to eat us some hot dogs, but you know that she's a woman in fine restaurants and brother what Súmate pays me doesn't give me for that. But brother I don't let myself be defeated, little by little with my charms I'm going to carry her until I ask for the tie, so that she's my girlfriend then.

Diosdado, as always mom sends you kisses, hugs and the blessing. He says don't get lost. I love you more than coconut rice with goat accompanied by some tequeyoyo and a three-phase tumbarranch with guarapo de Panela.