

You always count the chickens first! This is how the Venezuelan right acts during elections (+Chatarrita+La Sayo)

Opponent Henrique Capriles
Internet photo

Published at: 10/05/2024 05:29 PM

The Venezuelan opposition and its media apparatus have always suffered from selective memory, so it is important to remind them how they have acted in electoral times, when they always fill their mouths with triumphalism and start counting their chickens before they are born.

Proof of this are the presidential elections in 2012 when Henrique “Chatarrita” Capriles, his media and all his spokespersons were already winners and replied that they won all the polls, so much so that Colombian media replied that there was an advantage of 48% to 46% against Commander Hugo Chávez.

In addition, newspapers such as Final Version contemplated headings such as “The most gigantic concentration of all time in the interior of the country”, referring to the mobilizations of the then presidential candidate “Chatarrita” Capriles.

Despite the fact that all the national and international right-wing media laboratories were responsible for positioning that they had already won and supposedly had the votes; but on the day of the elections, reality overthrew all the fantasy story they built for months to tell the world that they were the majority.

The 2012 presidential elections were won by Commander Hugo Chávez with 54.42% of the votes, while Capriles only achieved 44.97%, results that this sector of the right would not recognize and that he would later use as a justification for calling for violence in the streets.

Today it is those same sectors of the extreme right, together with their media laboratories and polling companies, that try to manipulate and deceive by saying that they are in the majority and that they go to the streets to ask for the vote, after having called for sanctions, blockades and attacks against the Homeland.

As the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, has warned on several occasions, this opposition is the same as always and that in reality “their tours are to prepare guarimbas, they have no electoral purpose, they have an end to disorder, guarimbas and violence, just as hope is in the street, violence is also in the street”.

Mazo News Team