

YARACUY - INDEPENDENCIA/Jorge Rodríguez: The right wing wants to steal our future

The Venezuelan people confirm their support for the Bolivarian Revolution and President Nicolás Maduro
Photo: PSUV

Published at: 10/05/2024 04:37 PM

With its lies and false speeches, the opposition wants to steal our country to hand it over to North American imperialism, said the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez.

“We have to take good care of their lies (the right), of the falsehoods they set up because they want to steal our future, our sacred land to give to the gringos. They want to end our culture, our folklore, our independent life,” he said during a mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro from the independent municipality of Yaracuy state.

In this regard, he stressed that in the face of these aspirations of the right, the Venezuelan people have a strong message: “We will be independent and sovereign forever.” In addition, he pointed out that the opposition will continue its actions against the People, so they will receive a great response and will bite “the dust of defeat on July 28.”

On the other hand, he called on the Venezuelan people to continue on the path of work so that we can recover the welfare state left us as a legacy by the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez Frías.

“First time in Venezuela that a president like Hugo Chávez or Nicolás Maduro has appeared, who are concerned about the poor, their education, their health, their culture, the first time in 200 years that men appeared to build a proposal for the future together with their people,” he stressed.

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