

World Day Against Breast Cancer: Awareness and Prevention

The international symbol of the fight against breast cancer is a pink ribbon

Published at: 19/10/2024 08:32 AM

This October 19, the World Day for the Fight against Breast Cancer is celebrated, within the framework of the month of Sensitivity against Breast Cancer, declared by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This disease is a public health problem associated with the appearance of a malignant tumor that originates in breast cells. This disease occurs almost exclusively in women, but men can also get it.

According to WHO figures, in 2020, there were more than 210,000 new breast cancer diagnoses in Latin America and the Caribbean, and almost 68,000 deaths.

The international symbol of the fight against breast cancer is a pink ribbon, used by institutions and people who are committed to fighting this disease that does not distinguish social class, ethnic origin, or skin color.

The main measure for the prevention of breast cancer is to perform a self-examination at least once a month, and it is also recommended to see a doctor or gynecologist for general checks.

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