

Workforce of the Mayor's Office of Caracas signs in support of PDVSA and in rejection of sanctions

Carmen Meléndez: From the Mayor's Office of Caracas we say: Enough of the blockade, enough of the sanctions!
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 07/05/2024 03:58 PM

The workers of the Mayor's Office of Caracas joined the support of Petroleos de Venezuela with a collection of signatures to tell the North American empire: Enough of the blockade, enough of sanctions!

This was announced by the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, through a post on her account on the social network x.

“The women and men who make up the Mayor's Office of Caracas also support our PDVSA and signed on May 7 the Act of Ratification of Independence, Sovereignty, National Self-Determination and Rejection of Unilateral Coercive Measures, Imposed against the Country,” Meléndez said.

He also affirmed his resounding support for the workers of PDVSA, “who are making a great effort to keep up this strategic enterprise for the rescue of the social welfare state of our people and to continue building the Venezuela that we deserve”

“From the Mayor's Office of Caracas we say: Enough of the blockade, enough of the sanctions! and may this call come and it be understood that we do not need guardianship. We are heirs and heirs to the struggles of our liberators and liberators. Caracas will continue to set an example!”

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