

Without structure, without people and without support! Find out why María ConIra is desperate and screaming

La Sayona is concerned about the presentation of the numbers that have never favored her.
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 05/06/2024 09:15 PM

Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Location: Lost with María Corina in Bolivar State.

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! How are you, chubby of my life and my heart? Here I walk, dragging my Gucci shoes with Cori's cod, my poor friend is becoming more disoriented every day, the saddest thing is that I warned her but she doesn't listen. Several months ago I told Cori that the worst moment of self-deception is when you have to face reality, Cori is like on the Titanic, watching the ship sink while listening to the last tune, by the way chubby did you see the Titanic? , although you seem to be unromantic and that you only like cowboy movies in the Wild West.

My little piece of milky candy, Cori definitely wants to drive us all crazy. Now he came up with the topic of inviting Venezuelans to vote and asking them to go to the CNE to be verified, but Diosdado José! , this is a joke in very bad taste, how can Cori speak well of the CNE after so much money we invest in telling the world that the CNE is a scam, that the CNE steals people's votes? , please oooooo! Goddamn Joséeeee! , I can't handle that much. Now, that has a purpose, Cori needs to speak positively about the CNE to be credible to the International Community, she does it so that they don't accuse her of wanting to sabotage the elections ahead of time.

God, the screams in Bejucal are now customary, this time it was the pollsters' turn. Cori is very upset with the pollsters who are saying that Nico Maduro is rising in the polls and that my uncle Inmundo has stalled, but let me tell you that Cori is right this time. Diosdi, how are those pollsters who we have been paying for years to say that Cori has a 99% intention of voting, now going to say that Nico Maduro is rising, that he has five million votes and is the nicest in the neighborhood? , that is to say chubby, these people are now abandoning us because they know that my uncle Inmundo is not going to win and they have no choice but to start telling the truth.

Baby, Cori is so upset with this polling issue that she called Mr. Seijas on Monday afternoon. The truth is that I didn't even want to be at the meeting because when Cori gets nervous she is very offensive and I feel sorry for the visit.

God, Cori is coming in free fall. In addition to the issue of the polls, there is the electoral structure, fat, we are alone! I mean, that's right! , a lot of camera, a lot of show, but zero structure. Cori is very nervous because of the great flaw we have in the organization of the electoral roll and because of the lack of witnesses, the worst thing is that this situation is already creeping into various media outlets where some journalists and analysts say that we are missing 40%, but the reality is that we lack many more, in fact, in some states we can't cover even 20% of the roll, and even worse with the commands, we don't have even 10% of what Cori says in public. As if that were not enough, the communications officer of the Minister for Falsehood, Delsa Solorzano, decided to attack us in a veiled way, that is, as someone who does not want the thing, and he made it clear that the problem of the witnesses is the fault of Cori's arrogance, that's the way they are, they stab and then play the good ones, Diosdado José I told you that Delsa is more false than a million dollar bill.

With all the stress that Cori has been accumulating, imagine how bad he got when we were coming to Bolivar and there were almost no people passing through Anaco and El Tigre, Diosdi, oh my God! hellloooouuu! As much as I offered money I couldn't get more people in, you Orientals are very rebellious. But that's not all, in addition to today's failure, add to the terrible act in Guatire for which I myself had 25,000 dollars at my disposal, someone kept that money. In Guatire I couldn't put a drone, magic or witchcraft to make the photos look bulky, Diosdado José! , don't be mean, tell me your secret to getting people into PSUV acts, give me a little help.

The same Friday after the Guatire disaster, I had to stop Delsa Solórzano's tantrum at the PJ event. It turns out that the girl was upset because they didn't give her space on the platform, and as much as I told Delsa not to retire, to understand that this act was one of the lousy pejoteros, she left. By the way, I think there's a big difference between the PJ who steals the phones and the Brito's PJ, Brito's are lousy too but more fun, they're super cool as I like them, well God, don't get bravito! , you know that a sifrina loves a folkloric type of neighborhood that makes her laugh.

Continuing with my homework, I tell you that Cori asked me to set up an agenda for him to visit six more states, but when I asked him if it included Uncle Inmundo he told me “that one has already reached my limit” in the end he didn't tell me if I should bring the guy in or not.

In the midst of so much political madness, I can't stop feeling bad for Cori, she's definitely not going to go to heaven. I tell you that a few days ago the coordinator of Vente in the Carabobo State was in poor health, I asked Cori for authorization to send him some of the many bitcoins we have and Cori told me no, that they in Valencia had to look for a person to collaborate with them, who would pay the expenses and she would compensate by sending a message of thanks, oh well!

I almost forgot to tell you that Cori hardly sleeps worried because Luis Fernando Vuteff, Ledezma's son-in-law who defrauded $600 million from PDVSA, can declare in the United States that he sent money to María Corina for the primary and the campaign, although Cori isn't sure if Ledezma received more money in his name.

Diosdado, this is the part where I get toxic because you don't pay attention to me, Listen to me. It turns out that Cori asked me to buy some military uniforms to disguise people who meet her in different hotels and places in Caracas. Cori wants the rumor to leak out that she is talking to the military, she wants to show my friends the gringos, the sales team and the parties of the Unitary Platform, that she has everything under control to ignore Nico Maduro, please! God or Joseph! Cori is delirious and this reminds me a lot of the April 30th show.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.