

With my heart in my hand! President Maduro sends a letter to the sons of Piedad Córdoba

The Venezuelan head of state expressed his deep regret for the departure of Piedad

Published at: 24/01/2024 09:42 AM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, shared this Wednesday a letter sent to the children of the recently deceased Colombian revolutionary leader Piedad Córdoba, in which he expressed his solidarity and highlighted the tireless legacy of struggle of this exemplary woman.

In the letter, the Venezuelan head of state expressed his deep regret for the departure of Piedad. “I speak to them with my heart in my hand because an unparalleled companion has left, a true friend, a sister in every test. From Venezuela, from this Bolivarian land that you loved so much, I want to convey the testimony of our solidarity to you and to all the Colombian people”, reads the text.

In addition, in the message shared on his X account, the Dignitary highlighted that “Piedad leaves a gigantic legacy to progressive movements in Colombia and throughout Latin America, a symbol of black, feminist and fighting women. A Great Colombian Woman!”

Below is the full text of the letter:

What a deep regret I feel for the departure of Piedad. I speak to them with my heart in my hand because an unparalleled companion has left, a true friend, a sister in every test. From Venezuela, from this Bolivarian land that you loved so much, I want to convey the testimony of our solidarity to you and to all the Colombian people.

I have to go back to 2007: the year in which the profound identification between Piedad and our Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez began: they were forever united by the sacred cause of peace. I can attest to the immense affection they professed to each other. And I feel like I'm going hand in hand with Chávez as I write these lines.

How many battles did Piedad have to fight for the dignity of sister Colombia. Certainly, she was a tireless warrior and one of the bravest women I have ever met. Exemplary as a fervent defender of human rights and as a selfless champion for peace in Colombia. Her status as a genuine revolutionary was amply demonstrated throughout a lifetime of struggle.

Persecuted and vilified for aspiring to a homeland without violence, without paramilitaries, without massacres; for being an Afro-descendant and feminist woman, and for having launched herself into the political arena with that vision, full of love for equality and freedom. It should be remembered that she was elected, for the first time, as a representative to her country's Congress in 1991: a time when the legislative power was practically dominated by machismo, racism and the defense of elite privileges.

With the perseverance and courage that always characterized her, Piedad heroically overcame, time and again, innumerable obstacles and adversities, including attempts on her life and that of her collaborators, all accompanied by a fierce and permanent campaign of hate on the part of the Colombian oligarchy.

In Piedad, integrity was a way of being and, for that reason, he never wavered in matters of principles and convictions. In fact and in truth, she embodied a strong ethical temperament and an undeniable moral strength. This woman of difficulties, to put it with Bolívar, always managed to get ahead because her love for Colombia was her light and her guide.

This loving daughter of Bolívar and Gaitán, Sister of Chávez, was never and will never be defeated. She will continue to walk with us and us, until she achieves the definitive victory of the Great Homeland: embodying the purest humanist values that will prevail, without a doubt, forever.

I say your name, Piedad Córdoba Ruiz, with the certainty that your thoughts, as well as your immense and imperishable legacy of struggle, do transcend and enlighten those of us who are still on the front line of battle for the unity of Our America and for the happiness of our Peoples. I make my own these beautiful words of our Supreme Commander who loved you so much, who defended you so much against infamy: “Black Piety is an upright Colombian woman, an integral Latin American, a woman in every sense of the word, courageous, a human being”. They couldn't beat you and they can't against your example!!!

Mercy lives, the fight continues!!! Honor and Glory to Piedad Córdoba! !!

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