

With costumes and everything! Learn how La Sayo constructs a narrative of “fraud” and “military support” to deceive gringos

María Con Ira Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 05/06/2024 10:42 PM

Wednesday, June 05, 2024.
Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the house with Chávez's face painted on the PSUV card.
Patriota Patricio the Maracucho
What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Look at Diosdado, I'm still here like a pointless spinning top in the van with María Corina alias “La Sayo”, we're in Bolívar and we're on our way to Delta Amacuro, but brother, turning around with the joke is very difficult for me, because you know that the road trips are long and I feel sorry to tell them to stop in the mountains for me to digest, besides, you know that sometimes gas escapes me and since I'm the only fat one in the car, it's me that they distrust. The good thing is that Sayo speaks more than “a crazy person lost when she appears” and I hear all the jokes.
Diosdado so that you know that María Corina carries a satellite phone hidden in the van. When we were on the La Sayo highway, she received a call from Magalí Meda, alias “La Commadre” to tell her that she was worried because the issue of little commands doesn't stop coming to fruition, that the numbers don't give her anywhere and that she's more entangled than the cables for the Christmas lights. Magalí also told La Sayo that the Parties of the Unitary Platform no longer pay attention to her as before, that they do not recognize her as campaign manager, and that it is a way of the cross for them to give her the electoral data.
Primo, with all that candy I thought María Corina was going to explode like a bottle of Cocacola when it was cold, but to our surprise, La Sayo very coldly told Magalí not to worry, that you can't lose focus, that with Edmundo González alias “Chespirito” they won't achieve anything and that with less than 8 weeks left until the election there is very little that can be done. Brother, La Sayo told Magalí to trust her because she has another plan that will allow them to survive politically after the presidential elections.
Diosdado, María Corina is saving the money and decided not to continue investing resources in the subject of commands because her plan is much bigger and she will need these covers for later on, I heard them when she said that she is waiting for some idiots, that is, the gringos, to put on that talk.

Sayo's intention is to continue touring the country to sell the sense of triumphalism with all those photos and videos that are more retouched than circus clowns, and although it is a self-deception, this allows her to raise the political cost in case the candidate Edmundo Pendón González were left in the way, at the same time it creates the perfect setting to sing fraud on July 28 when the CNE says that Super Mustache won.
Cousin, buckle up because I'm going to tell you where La Sayo comes from, but Diosdado, dear brother, don't say anything to anyone who might suspect me.

Primo, I learned to decipher key messages watching the movie The Enigma Code, even though La Sayo talks in the car with the intention of distracting me, I am tying and sticking everything in my brain like a bubble gum. Malayo notes that this is very serious. María Corina's plan has two fronts, the first front is to discredit our country, which is why she tries to place Venezuela as the epicenter of the destabilization of the hemisphere; she injects fear into our migrants and affirms that if Nicolás Maduro wins, migration will triple. Brother, this shit is sick of the coconut. Sayo's strategy also includes convincing public opinion that her victory is key to liberating Cuba and Nicaragua, that is, the same speech that Leopoldo López sold to Marco Rubio and Trump in 2018/2019. The second front of La Sayo's plan is to convince the international community that it's no longer worth making any effort to sign agreements for electoral guarantees because according to María Corina the fraud is ready, cousin you don't have to be an idiot. What La Sayo doesn't want is to sign the agreement that Jorge Rodríguez said, be careful you step on an ice cream cart.

Diosdado, last few days La Sayo asked her team in Washington to present a working paper to the Americans where she simulated what a possible electronic and manual fraud would look like for election day, that is, La Sayo is trying to convince the gringos that it is better to prepare to sing fraud and then put all the pressure to overthrow the Super Mustache.
Parallel to the narrative that Venezuela is the epicenter of crime and destabilization, María Corina is selling the matrix that she has the support of some so-called “military” ones, but this is not the first time that La Sayo has tried to get involved in this way. Within this horror film, the role of Leopoldo López, alias “The Prince of Salamanca”, is to activate the popular networks that he has left in the country to heat up the streets and call for demonstrations in the main cities. The idea is to replicate the guarimbas environment, to pit Venezuelans against Venezuelans again, and then to be able to argue to the international community that now there are compelling reasons to invade militarily and overthrow Maduro.
Primo, speaking of the military, pending with the stories that, since the command of María Corina, have been fabricated to make the balls run about supposed meetings in hotels in Caracas with soldiers, it's all part of a strategy that seeks to strengthen the sense of triumph and confuse our people, that's why Primo, the only thing I authorize you to say in public, is that we are in a moment of maximum awareness, our people cannot fall into rumors or Chinese stories, we must trust Maduro and the PSUV, but look Malay, alone You can tell this little part on television, the rest you must keep secret.
Well cousin I'm leaving you because we're about to hit the road. You know brother, if mom ever calls you to ask for me, tell her that I'm with you reviewing 1x10, don't even think of telling her that I'm shooting with La Sayo.
Brother I love you more than a goat in coconut with plenty of rice and a kilo of grated salad with mayonnaise, and its respective cardboard with lemon.