

With a forum commemorating the Battle of Junín, governor of La Guaira inaugurated the Antonio José de Sucre Hall

Guipuzkoana House
La Guaira Governorate

Published at: 10/08/2024 08:07 PM

With regard to the celebration of the Battle of Junín led by the Grand Marshal of Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre, the governor of La Guaira, José Alejandro Terán reopened the Hall with this eponym of the Guipuzkoan House.

To commemorate the date, the Governor received historian Oscar Alvarado at the premises of Casa Guipuzkoana to make a dissertation for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Junín.

“I feel happy to receive this spiritual nourishment, this dose of consciousness that makes us look up at this current juncture and understand that whatever answer we said we had can be found in our historical project,” Terán said in his participation.

“Father Bolivar's textual quotes make our imagination fly high as if we were listening to Bolivar himself. His words are still more valid than ever,” said the regional president, while asking young people to write the pages of current events “write the glorious pages of the history of the Bolivarian Revolution that we are building so that our children in the future can know the truth.”

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