

William Castillo: Nobody can explain the immaturity and miseries of the opposition

Deputy Minister of Anti-Blockade Policies of the Ministry of People's Power for Economy and Finance, William Castillo

Published at: 30/03/2024 01:21 PM

The Deputy Minister of Anti-Blockade Policies of the Ministry of People's Power for Economy and Finance, William Castillo, stressed this Friday that the National Electoral Council (CNE) “cannot and should not go out and explain the weight of the opposition”, ahead of the presidential elections next July 28.

In a message posted on his account on the social network X, Castillo pointed out that “there are people who love to buy lies from social networks and then ask questions that are obvious and that the facts have sufficiently explained”.

Reiterating that the electoral body has nothing to do with what happened with the nomination of the replacement of the disqualified María Corina Machado, Corina Yoris, the deputy minister indicated that the political organizations Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) and the Bureau of Democratic Unity (MUD) “lied to the country when they accepted that this lady was the candidate when in truth they never accepted her.”

Castillo also highlighted that these organizations deceived “Machado and the opposition fanatics with the story of the system that didn't open and then they enrolled whoever they wanted.”

He stated that this “is not a CNE issue. No one can explain the immaturity and miseries of the opposition, let alone take responsibility for it”, so he described as ridiculous the actions “carried out by those spokespersons of the progressive left demanding that Chavism solve the traps of the opposition so that their good and genuflexed conscience be calmed down”.

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