

Why should we fight the communication battle? Here's the answer (#YoSigoaMaduro)

It is important to break with that dictatorship of the algorithm and begin to disseminate information about the truth about Venezuela
Photo @PSUV

Published at: 19/05/2024 04:04 PM

In this new era of social networks, it is of vital importance to wage the communication battle in all aspects, since despite the fact that with them there is greater democracy and freedom of expression, the reality is that in them you only see the content pre-selected by the companies that own the networks.

In this sense, on this subject, the popular communicator Miguel Pérez Pirela specifies that these companies are mostly in the United States and are responsible for choosing what appears to you or not on your social networks.

“They are watching you, they are watching you and scrutinizing you, with all those likes and all the browsing you do and choices, the algorithms present a menu to private companies of who you are so that the product is you and can then be sold,” he said.

He specified that on the political level, these actions can be even more serious, since they scan you to show you candidates with interests that are not your own. At the same time, he indicated that this can be seen in the Venezuelan case as in this presidential campaign President Nicolás Maduro is being banned from these social networks.

For this reason, it is important to break with that dictatorship of the algorithm and begin to spread information about the truth about Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution accompanied, this time, with the hashtag #YoSigoaMaduro.

All Venezuelans can be communicators and report on all networks that despite the sanctions and blockade, the Revolution, President Maduro, together with the People, is on the streets every day to guarantee the development, sovereignty and independence of the Homeland.

Mazo News Team