

Why is it important to vote?

We cannot take democracy for granted, it is an essential and highly valuable system that gives us the right to participate in shaping our collective future

Published at: 26/07/2024 07:00 PM

Voting is one of the cornerstones of democracy, empowering people to have a voice in the country's decision-making processes. By exercising our right to vote, we not only ensure that our voice is heard, but we also contribute to a larger democratic system that defends peace and the principles of equality, freedom and national sovereignty.

We cannot take democracy for granted, it is an essential and highly valuable system that gives us the right to participate in shaping our collective future.

Globally, throughout history, thousands of people have fought for the right to vote, people of diverse backgrounds, including women, races, people with disabilities who endured hardship and discrimination to achieve this fundamental right. It's always good to remember that voting used to be inaccessible to many people and that, although times have changed, it's important to enjoy the tangible results of decades of struggle. By exercising your right to vote, you honor their struggle and show your gratitude for the advances made toward a more equitable and inclusive society.

In an editorial called “What is voting?” , published on the portal called Headcount, stated that “voting is a gateway to greater civic engagement. When voters participate in elections, they are often more aware of political issues, policies, and the general functioning of their government. It also inspires people to join community organizations, to participate in meaningful debates and activism to drive positive change. Overall, voting improves our communities through collective action. Every vote matters, as it collectively shapes the future we want to build, safeguard our individual rights and freedoms, and ensures that our democratic values survive for many more generations.”

In the same way, the S&D Group, which is the most important center-left political group in the European Parliament and the second in number of MEPs, explains that “in an increasingly interconnected world, many challenges transcend national borders and demand collective solutions”, it is through our vote that we can express our position on important issues and influence the course of action taken by our government.

What will you achieve with your vote?

In an article published by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, it was detailed that “voting achieves several important results for democracy. First, it guarantees representation by allowing you to choose the leaders and political leaders who will make decisions on your behalf. It also holds elected representatives responsible for their actions, since your vote determines whether or not they remain in office.”

In addition, voting is an essential instrument for promoting social change, contributing to the promotion of equality, civil rights and social justice. It also promotes participation, commitment and empowerment, thus reinforcing the democratic framework and giving citizens a voice in shaping the future of their communities and countries.

Later, in the article published by the University of Córdoba, he explained that “we cannot take democracy for granted. Voting ensures that we have a voice and that our voices are heard. Through our participation, we can influence the construction of the country and it begins by going to cast an informed vote, aware of its value .”

The article also added that “ through voting, you have the power to influence the policies and laws that govern your communities. Elected officials rely on the votes and voices of their constituents to make political decisions. If you actively participate in the voting process, you can help shape legislation on issues such as education, health, the environment and countless local and national issues that affect our daily lives.”

This is how we can ensure that the exercise of suffrage is the fundamental right to consolidate participatory democracy and the protagonist of national democracy. It's not just a right, it's a responsibility and a privilege that every citizen entitled to it must assume.

It's an opportunity to play an active role in shaping the future of your community and country. Your vote has the power to influence policies and to assume as citizens the construction of national democracy, thus strengthening our sovereignty and our citizen character.