

WHO approved resolution condemning Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza

Israel maintains a continuous massacre against the Palestinian people
Photo: Internet

Published at: 02/06/2024 10:14 AM

World Health Organization (WHO) approved a resolution condemning Israeli attacks on health care in Gaza.

The text, prepared by the group of Arab nations, and replicated by Telesur, condemns “indiscriminate attacks on medical and humanitarian facilities used exclusively for humanitarian purposes, as well as by medical personnel, by the occupying power, in violation of international law”.

Although initially the text did not include any mention of Israeli abuses in the Palestinian health system, Arab countries, which were about to withdraw the resolution in protest, finally submitted a new amendment that denounced Israeli abuses.

On Saturday, the most recent amendment was approved with 102 votes in favor (out of 196 WHO members) and six against (from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, Argentina, the Czech Republic and Hungary).

The text asks the WHO to investigate the effects of the conflict on the malnutrition of the Gazan people, due to the intentional practice of leaving the civilian population without food.

In addition, it requests that the UN medical organization organize a donor meeting with a minimum period of 12 months to support Palestine's urgent medical demands and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of its health system.

At the WHO meeting, which ended this Saturday after six days of discussions, Palestine has been recognized as an observer member of the organization. This would provide his delegation with the opportunity to sit in the same area as representatives of member States and have more opportunities to participate and submit proposals, although it would still not have the right to vote.

The World Health Organization emphasized that this is the first time that Palestine has been mentioned as a nation.

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