

What would happen to the economy if the opposition wins? (1)

According to the US plan, Venezuela will borrow to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB)

Published at: 26/07/2024 11:32 AM

Because of the importance of knowing the government plan presented by María Corina Machado, and not the candidate registered with the National Electoral Council (CNE), Edmundo González, in his government plan called Venezuela Land of Grace, Freedom, Democracy and Prosperity, This time we bring a detailed explanation of the stateless right's proposal.

This government plan includes a chapter dedicated to economic actions to be taken immediately, in accordance with commitments made with foreign interests, called Expansive stabilization: an economy for prosperity, the elimination of poverty and the growth of the middle class”, in which he explains that “The emphasis of our proposal is on the leading role of private effort, so, among other things, it will be necessary to implement a massive and transparent program of privatizations and promote the creation of companies”.

He also adds, in order to adorn his surrender proposal, that “economic growth is the key to creating well-paying jobs, drastically destroying poverty and massively expanding the middle class. Making Venezuela Tierra de Gracia an attractive investment project implies turning it into a politically stable country; economically stable and profitable; and geopolitically active.”

This proposal translates into the following:

  • Despite the constant discourse of how badly hit our economy is, it does not mention the 99% reduction in the country's revenues due to the sanctions requested by the right.
  • According to the US plan, Venezuela will borrow to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB); this will not generate wealth nor will assets stolen abroad be recovered.
  • Social programs will end and hunger, unemployment and crime will increase, exactly as is the case in Argentina with public services (water, electricity, transportation, gas and gasoline), and that money will be used to pay the debt to the IMF, as proposed by Carlos Andrés Pérez.
  • The privatization process will begin: Millions of Venezuelan natural reserves will be given away to foreign investors. Dismissals from the public and private sectors will generate protests.
  • He argues that there will be an extensive program of privatization of companies and public goods, and will hand over Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) to large transnational corporations, which will generate unemployment and the loss of our oil reserves.

As we can see, the opposition is following the instructions given to them by the United States to appropriate the wealth of Venezuela, in their statements they aim at defending American interests, regardless of the harm to the Venezuelan people.