

What differentiates a socialist government from a capitalist one is love for the people

Published at: 06/11/2024 08:38 PM

The floods caused by the rains that occurred in Valencia, Spain, evidenced the detachment and disdain of the kings and the Spanish government for the People, which has generated a marked rejection.

The victims of this disaster have called on the State and the monarchy to address the needs of the affected families and during a visit from the kings and the president they received not only strong criticism, but even blows from the people who question their abandonment.

What is paradoxical and even laughable is that when these regrettable events occur in Venezuela, where there is a rrrrregime that the European Union and the West describe as dictatorial, the State immediately comes to serve the people.

A clear example of this was the attitude taken by Commander Hugo Chávez and now by President Nicolás Maduro when the tragedies of Cumanacoa, Las Tejerías, which meant the visit of senior representatives of the State to the affected areas to serve the people.

And as if that weren't enough, despite the attacks, the Bolivarian Government selflessly offered help to Spain with the Simon Bolivar Labor Force; which reiterates that the Bolivarian Revolution is for the most needy in the world.