

What did Diosdado Cabello say today, Tuesday, May 21?

The first vice-president of the PSUV called for the conviction of the murder of Orlando Figuera and for the promotion of justice
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 21/05/2024 06:19 PM

This Tuesday, May 21, the discussion of the draft Agreement in Repudiation of the vile assassination of Orlando Figuera took place at the plenary session of the National Assembly (AN), where the president of the Parliament's Standing Committee on Internal Policy, Deputy Diosdado Cabello Rondón, called for the approval of this document, stating that:

  • “We are not revanchists, but it is prudent to remember how Jorge Rodríguez (president of the AN) was murdered his father. What justice was there? And Congressman Fernando Soto Rojas had his brother murdered and his mother was paying for advertisements in the press asking to be informed where her son was: Was there justice? No! That's why we have to differentiate ourselves, we have to guarantee justice.”

After recalling how the young Figuera was burned alive by a group of fascists in the guarimbas promoted by opposition extremism in 2017 just for “appearing to be Chavista”, the also head of the parliamentary faction of the Great Patriotic Pole, Simón Bolívar, which brings together the revolutionary parties in the AN, stressed the importance of approving this conviction, warning that:

  • “They are terrorists, they are fascists and they deserve the condemnation of the entire country, not just Chavism.”
  • “Very sad that we get used to that kind of fact and that we believe that it is normal to assassinate our adversaries and set them on fire.”
  • Orlando Figuera wasn't the only one who did the opposition, they did the same with people in Lechería, Lara, Mérida and Táchira.”

He regretted that currently no justice has been done to this case, pointing out that:

  • “It has to hurt any human being, to make us feel ashamed, that, after seven years, the murderers, all identified, have not received the justice that this horrendous crime deserves.”
  • “This happened here and I don't know of any sector of the Venezuelan right that has condemned these events. Very sad that we get used to this type of event and believe that it is normal to assassinate our adversaries and set them on fire.”
  • In this regard, he called for the promotion of judicial action against the material perpetrators of these crimes, as well as against the authorities and former officials who, in violation of the constitution and the Law, promoted impunity, insisting that:
  • “The lady (former Attorney General Luisa Ortega Díaz) said she couldn't act because those videos were manipulated. What manipulation was there? If that was recorded with people in the street (...) you can clearly see what they are doing; that speaks of that lady's complicity with those who ordered violence in Venezuela and should also be investigated by omission, for denying justice to a woman mother, Inés, of that young man”.
  • “The representatives of the opposition who are present here have tasted something of the evil of those other sectors of the opposition, of which they are capable, I'm going to tell them something, if they can they go first for us and then they go for you.”

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