

What did Diosdado Cabello say today, Tuesday, June 4, 2024?

Check of the PSUV 1x10 machinery in Miranda
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:00 PM

This Tuesday, June 4th, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, held a meeting with the militancy of the red awning in Miranda to check the 1x10 machinery ahead of the elections of July 28.

In this regard, regarding the organization and the work to achieve the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution in the presidential elections, he highlighted:

  • “We are meeting to review a task that has been entrusted to us by comrade President Nicolás Maduro, that task has a fundamental purpose, which is the great victory of July 28.”
  • “We have been building victory for 25 years, and every opportunity that comes our way is a different situation.”
  • All the victories of the Revolution bring an epic one and that of this July 28 is accompanied by “nine years of the ruthless attack against the people of Venezuela” by the United States.
  • “This 1x10 is new and it has to be 100%, not only reliable, but 100% of the sure vote that guarantees us victory on July 28.”
  • “That electoral 1x10 has to become a great social 1x10; because if I take a colleague to vote, the 29th will not forget him, but you must give him all the support he requires.”
  • “It must be born of sincerity and revolutionary ethics, that 1x10 has to be profoundly ethical. Why? For us to put our feet on the ground before and during voting day.”
  • “I have to prepare for that day and move my people from 1x10 to go to vote, to ensure that they go to vote and once I go to vote I will ask them again if they did it (...) check and check (...) defending the vote is as important as going to vote, defending the vote is part of the victory”.
  • “But for a splendid victory we have to go beyond Chavism.”
  • Nicolás Maduro is going to win but I'm going to stick to what Commander Hugo Chávez said: 'Mr. Opponent you are going to win', with Nicolás you will have the guarantee of always being included.”
  • “We guarantee peace, Mr. Opponent, you are going to win, as all Venezuelans win; we invite you to join this national effort for peace, progress, stability and to be the power that all Venezuelans want.”

He also stressed that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, has always remained close to the People despite the attacks of imperialism and its lackeys.

  • “While the Venezuelan right was calling for sanctions, promoting the blockade, trying to carry out coups d'etat, invading his own country with the help of foreign forces, President Nicolás Maduro was moving around the world looking for vaccines and medicines for everyone, for Chavistas and non-Chavistas.”
  • From the United States, they came out to say that Venezuela would be the center of a health chaos, “that's what they expected, they didn't count on the cunning of Nicolás Maduro.”
  • “They announced famine, a terrible psychological operation against the country, because in the midst of a pandemic with blockade and sanctions they sought to create chaos.”
  • President Maduro protected the Venezuelan people during the COVID-19 pandemic, “I am alive thanks to him and like my history I know that there are many”.
  • “We have endured, the people of Venezuela have endured, resisted, fought and we have been winning.”
  • Today Venezuela is facing the most powerful imperialism in the world, even though our ancestors waged a fight against the Spanish, “but at that time there were a large number of countries that believed themselves to be empires (...) and this North American empire was being born, which supports their thesis that they are the center of power, the entire European Union was subordinated to the center of power of the United States”.
  • Today there are other “centers of power, I am not saying spontaneous, but provoked by the actions of North American imperialism, which are increasingly erratic; those who want to see an erratic policy see what is happening against the Palestinian people, ordered by imperialism”.
  • President Nicolás Maduro, despite his great responsibilities, has never lost contact with the people, so unlike the candidates on the right, he is the only one prepared to move the country forward and guarantee peace.

Cabello also highlighted to the militancy the importance of using social networks to disseminate the work of the Bolivarian Revolution.

  • “We do great things and we don't say them, we have a hard time transmitting them (...) We have to be experts in saying the things we do; the only thing we are not going to say is how we are doing our 1x10, quiet, let the surprise fall like a water stick”.
  • “The brothers of the Great Patriotic Pole are brothers in this battle (...) we have one thing that does not have opposition, unity, command, direction, leadership”.
  • “Let's conquer a great communication force so powerful that they (the opposition) don't have a choice, that every time they mess with us, we spill them with the truth.”
  • “The control that the world right has on the issue of social networks; you are looking for protests in Venezuela and surely this act, which is there, comes out in 'protest against Nicolás Maduro'”.
  • Social networks are used by the right to create a montage against the Bolivarian Revolution.
  • “That's why we must have TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, and generate a defense strategy.”

    He warned that the Venezuelan right wing intends to sing fraud and promote violence in the country ahead of the presidential elections on July 28.

    • The Venezuelan right wing has already published in the media and social networks more than 20 polls that give the winner, in the next elections on July 28, to its candidate, in order to justify that they will not recognize the results.
    • Right now, the right is preparing to sing fraud because they know they don't have the popular support to win elections.
    • “We can't do anything to stop them from taking the polls. What we have to do is keep working to, in peace, win a landslide victory this July 28.”
    • “Let's be on the lookout because the right wing, in addition to singing fraud, is going to try to generate violence, it's going to try.”
    • The Venezuelan opposition released a pamphlet in which it states that “whatever the result, on July 28 they are going to attack Miraflores; well, we are going to wait for him in Miraflores, because they don't believe in elections, the country knows that they don't believe in elections, they are on the subject of expelling the regime, this regime that has them so badly that they give statements with fifty microphones and say that there is no freedom of expression”.
    • “We went from violence to tranquility, yesterday the president said that with the victory of the 28th the country is guaranteed 50 years of prosperity and stability”,.
    • “They are the ones who have attacked companies with the sanctions that they have asked imperialism to impose on our country.”
    • “They promoted an invasion against this country and yet, when they return to Venezuela, we welcome those artists with open arms.”
    • “You saw Chatarrita calling for Guatire. Everyone made a fool of themselves! What they did was record a video.”
    • “The Machado of the Valles del Tuy is like ours, while the Machado of the Country Club thinks he is superior: 'Hello in other words... '. They think they are the owners of Venezuela.”

    On the other hand, Cabello celebrated the victory of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, in Mexico last Sunday.

    • “On Sunday there were elections in Mexico with extraordinary results!”
    • “They were still saying that abstention does not favor them and today they are saying that there was fraud in Mexico; we have seen that film here, we are watching it here because they (the right) do not get one but 20 polls in one fell swoop, a bunch of false polls...
    • “They know that polls are a lie because they need to create the previous narrative and set up their file; that's why I talk about building victory before, during and after.”

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