

“When we say with certainty hope is in the street they know that it is so,” he said.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/06/2024 10:00 PM

This Tuesday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, participated in the mobilization carried out by the people of the city of Mérida to confirm their support for President Nicolás Maduro and their rejection of the illegal and criminal sanctions imposed by North American imperialism.

At the end of the walk that flooded the streets of the capital of Merida, the psuvist leader warned of the existence of plans on the part of the right to generate violence and chaos in the country, stating that:

  • “The right doesn't believe in elections and is preparing for violence.”
  • “During the guarimbas, Mérida was unfortunately the center of a terrible experiment against its people, terrible because they brought violence from other places, specifically from Colombia, and they said that the state of Táchira and the state of Mérida were going to be the centers of violence.”
  • “We must be organized to defend peace before, during and after the victory of July 28.”
  • “If we guarantee peace on every street in the state of Mérida, we guarantee peace throughout the state and where a candle is lit, we turn it off, wherever we feel that there will be violence, we take action in time.”

Let's give it a fight

He highlighted the need to guarantee an overwhelming victory to dismantle the strategies that the stateless right has, so he pointed out:

  • “We have to be ready and prepared because on July 28, the Revolution is going to give a fight to the right.”
  • “Today the right wing must regret having believed that things were easy and they were going to divide our people by hunger. This town is full of dignity.”
  • “We have 33 days as militants, we have to talk to people and make them see that Nicolás Maduro is the one who ensures the continuity of the revolutionary project.”
  • “When we say with certainty hope is in the street, they know that this is the case, because the hope that is on the street today with the people walking, with the people in need, with the humble people, is not embodied by the violent opposition nor the patarucos; that hope is embodied by brother President Nicolás Maduro, he embodies the Bolivarian Revolution.”
  • “To defend the Homeland, we must love it above all else. If you don't love the country you don't defend it, if you don't love the place where you were born you are able to give it the highest bidder (...) Nicolás has demonstrated the dignity, courage, sovereignty and independence to face all the enemies of the Fatherland, national, internal and international.”

1x10 Enduring

Cabello highlighted the need to ensure the application of 1x10x7 and that this method of contact is maintained after the victory as a tool to govern, stating that:

“The 1x10 cannot be just electoral, it has to be something between colleagues, it has to do something of brotherhood. May that 1x10 of today, electoral, become the social 1x10 of tomorrow, the cultural 1x10, of youth, of women, of strength, of the Bolivarian Revolution”.

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