

What did Diosdado Cabello say today, Tuesday, April 30th?

The psuvist leader criticized the cowardly leadership of the extreme right and the traitors who flouted the trust of the People
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 30/04/2024 07:27 PM

In an event led by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, the distributor Altamira wore the national tricolor that, with its eight stars shining in the sky, commemorated the victory of the People in the face of the coup attempt that sectors of opposition extremism promoted on April 30, 2019.

After singing the anthem of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Psuvist leader emphasized the importance of this date, which signified a demonstration of the loyalty, will and determination of freedom and sovereignty of the People and their Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB):

  • “Today we have the same President thanks to the love, loyalty and patriotism of our people, our FANB, state security agencies, the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), the SEBIN (Bolivarian Intelligence Service) and the DGCIM (General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence).”
  • “Today is a bad day for them and it's a good day for the People, it's a bad day for imperialism and a good day for the Revolution, it's a bad day for the enemies of the Fatherland, but a great day for the patriots who love this Fatherland.”

Cabello criticized the cowardly leadership of the extreme right and the traitors who, flouting the trust of the People and the leadership of the Bolivarian Revolution, put themselves at the service of North American imperialism and the surnames that always plundered wealth:

  • “That day some people called the traitor Major Cristopher Figuera, but he had already left, he left before the operation, all his life he was a coward, and on February 4, in the midst of rebellion, he hid.”
  • “It's sad to see someone, who comes from the people, put themselves in order of their last names, so that they achieve, through force, what they couldn 't through votes.”
  • “We arrived with a tricolor, because we have it in our soul and in our heart. While those who directed the betrayal fled, they are great cowards, they don't deserve the forgiveness of those who were with them.”

  • “Those people who came here that day to tell the world from here: 'We have taken La Carlota'; have we taken La Carlota? They are liars by profession, they never got to drink La Carlota. Never. They stayed up here and from up here they called the People of Venezuela. Remember the desperate call of these people: 'Let's all go, today it is our turn, today Venezuela is rising. '”
  • “Everyone came here to take their picture and they hugged each other, they found each other again in the hatred they feel, (...) they took their picture, posed, some came from the restaurants of the bars of Las Mercedes and showed up here wearing the same clothes”.
  • “It hadn't been three hours and they denied it, no one knew what was happening here at the dealer, defeated and with the behavior typical of cowards, at this point nobody can assume what happened here.”

    He highlighted the links that exist between opposition extremism and North American imperialism, pointing out that:

    • “The extreme right has always promoted violence and chaos in the country with the consent, complicity and direction of the imperialist government of the United States ; they are our enemies, they have declared war against the People of Venezuela and this People, every time they have tried, we have been victorious, we have defeated them, we have been able to defeat them, as brother President Nicolás Maduro says: Cold head, nerves of steel and maximum popular mobilization”.
    • “Every time they fail in their plans, they blame the Government because it doesn't let itself be knocked down, they say that Nicolás Maduro is not a democrat because he doesn't allow himself to be assassinated, they blame us and the gringos keep giving him money.”

    • “When the People are betrayed, it's worse, because the People are impeccable with history. Those who were in the ranks of Chavism and betrayed Commander Hugo Chávez, President Nicolás Maduro and this people, forgiveness will never come to them, there is no way to forgive them.”

      He highlighted the strength of the People and the FANB to defend the Homeland and resist the attacks of the right wing and North American imperialism with temperance and without giving in:

      • “That day we gave them a great lesson, but the first and fundamental lesson is that we have demonstrated that in any situation of adversity, any situation of attack, any situation of danger, we act united in Chávez, the People, the Armed Forces, the police forces, we act united in Chávez.”

      • “The bourgeoisie has not been able and will not be able to deal with us, these operations of coups d'etat, of assassination attempts, of invasions, of hiring mercenaries, are part of the desperation of having wasted the possible achievements they could have when they won the National Assembly.”

      • “Five years ago, we defeated imperialism and its lackeys in their coup d'etat, which was faced with the iron will of a people to live in freedom, in peace; every time they have tried, they are defeated.”

      • “They always try to misrepresent when we say: Not for good or for bad. It's a challenge for good reason, July 28, we are preparing, ready, united as it should be, there they should be; and for the first time in their lives we hope that they respect the rules of the game as it should be, that for the first time in their lives they respect the sovereign decision of a People”.

        • “We are going to the 31st election, we are not afraid of elections, every time there are elections the People show them what we are made of.”

        • “Today hope is in the street, but there is also violence; hope is the People, it is the Revolution, it is Nicolás, and violence is also represented by last names; that last names will be defeated again, together with those who think they are last names, but who will never invite them to a Christmas dinner with them.”

        Mazo News Team