

What did Diosdado Cabello say today, Saturday, June 15, 2024?

Published at: 15/06/2024 08:57 PM

This Saturday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, participated in the Great Mobilization of the People of Carúpano in support of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the illegal and criminal sanctions imposed by imperialism against the country.

In the activity where the people of Carupanense flooded the streets of this city located in the Bermúdez municipality of Sucre state, the Psuvist leader highlighted the importance of unity and organization to guarantee the perfect victory, emphasizing the 1x10x7 system, pointing out that:

  • “We have to go beyond the game itself, the 1x10, it's the most powerful force we have, but we have to take the quantum leap, the qualitative leap forward and record the 1x10x7.”
  • “The objective is to continue joining all those who know that the hope of a peaceful Homeland is in the hands of the Bolivarian Revolution.”
  • “Let's not settle, let's not get tied up. The Great Patriotic Pole, the social movements, all of them are doing their 1x10x7 and on the 28th (July) we celebrate the 70th anniversary of Commander Hugo Chávez with a victory for Nicolás”.
  • “We must continue to join forces and order ourselves to vote. When we talk about mobilization we all take to the streets and when we talk about organization it's the same. Yesterday we explained what 1x10x7 is like: that's papaya”
  • “I can't have someone in my 1x10 just because I have them, that person must know that they are there, they must be a loving, caring, companionship and Revolution. That 1x10 has to become a social 1x10.”

She also referred to the important role played by women as the vanguard of the revolutionary process, stressing that:

  • “As long as women are at the forefront of the revolutionary process, the Homeland will remain undefeated forever, why? Because women know how to command, they make themselves obeyed with affection but with firmness, and women never give up.”
  • “At the forefront of this revolutionary process as street managers, community leaders, head of UBCH, heads of CLAP are women.”
  • “Women never give up, women under the worst circumstances women always raise the flag.”

He warned of the danger posed to the peace of the Republic and the life of the people by a hypothetical return of the representatives of the surnames to political power in Venezuela, stating that:

  • “Today they are the same, so we must compare in order to convince and win. When we are convincing with arguments we are adding something very important, we are adding”.
  • “These opponents are all rascals, thieves, none of them are useful.”
  • “Countless families in Carúpano were mourned by the evil of the members of the Fourth Republic, when the current government assassinated the revolutionaries, “they were left in pain without ever seeing their children, just because they thought differently, because they wanted a different country for the future.”
Faced with this, he insisted on the importance of guaranteeing an overwhelming victory and at the same time being duly organized and mobilized for the defense of the Homeland, for which he specified that:

  • “July 28 is a big battle! Imperialism is unleashed, threatening us that if the European Union doesn't come as observers, they're going to get angry, well get angry, but in Venezuela it's the Venezuelan people who decide, not imperialism.”
  • “A journalist asked me what was the most important election and I told her that they are all important, but the most important one will be the one that comes on July 28 because the future of the Fatherland is at stake.”
  • “If they won they would not respect the Constitution, they have already demonstrated, who believes that the right wing can respect the constitution in Venezuela? No one, they would destroy institutions, but above all, they would return the regime of terror and persecution against those who do not think like them.”
  • “The right wing on July 28 after the CNE (National Electoral Council) says 'the elected president of the Republic is Nicolas Maduro Moros', what do you think the right will say? 'They did fraud me'. They're 25 years old with that story.”

He ruled that this victory will mark the future of the Homeland, which he predicted will be marked by the progress and well-being of the People with a revolutionary Government:

  • “Nicolás is one of us, no one is going to teach him how to kick a street because you are one of us, he comes from the neighborhood and knows how to beat copper in the streets and these years of blockade of sanctions, of persecution have given him an experience, have given him an ability to continue governing the country for years to come.”
  • “I am sure that after this victory, our people will continue from victory to victory and we will be in 2054 celebrating the 100th anniversary of Commander Chávez with a Chavista or a Chavista ruling this country.”
  • “On July 28, we are going to win and we are going to defend the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution.”

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