

What did Diosdado Cabello say today Friday, June 28, 2024?

Published at: 28/06/2024 10:38 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, went to Guárico state this Friday, June 28, where he accompanied the Peoples of the Zaraza and Leonardo Infante municipalities in the gigantic mobilizations that took place to ratify the support of Guariqueños for President Nicolás Maduro and express their strongest rejection of the illegal and criminal sanctions of imperialism against the country.

In both mobilizations, the Psuvist leader emphasized the importance of the organization, specifying that:

  • “This 1x10 must be made of flesh and blood, it doesn't work if he has 30 (people) and three are going to vote, it's good that he has 10 and brings the 10 he has written down to vote.”
  • “It's a victory that we must build and we build it before, during and after (...) That's what we've been doing, organizing the 1x10x7, auditing, reviewing.”

Pueblo Alert!

He warned of plans for the generation of violence by opposition extremism, stating that:

  • “There are 30 days left until a beautiful sunrise! The right wing has had days with a network campaign sending messages on WhatsApp saying that on the 28th, no matter what happens, they go to the streets because they are going to get paid”.
  • “If the Venezuelan right decides not to know the election results and tries to do something in Caracas, Easter Valley will go to Caracas to defend the Bolivarian Revolution. We're going to Caracas by truck, bus, tractors, whatever, but we're going to defend the Revolution.”
  • “Let's prepare for victory and to defend that victory.”
  • “Venezuelans don't want violence, this is a happy people, Venezuela is joy because we are the majority and we are the people of Hugo Chávez Frías.”

We have morals

The first vice-president of the PSUV reiterated his call to visit every voter registered in the 1x10x7 house to house, while calling for achieving the goal of incorporating a voter who has never voted in favor of the revolution, pointing out that:

  • “We have arguments and morals to see the face of our people because while they were asking for sanctions, Nicolás with the People; while they were asking for a blockade, Nicolás was leaving and calling everywhere for vaccines to enter Venezuela and we brought the vaccines almost smuggled because the gringos would not let the vaccines into Venezuela, they had predicted a health chaos in Venezuela.”
  • “Nicolás Maduro was at the forefront of the struggle for independence and the care and protection of the sovereignty of our country. We have the arguments and we can tell them, convince to win.”

A gift for Chávez!

Cabello did not hesitate to say that victory is guaranteed on July 28, but emphasized that:

  • “No one can fall into triumphalism, let's do the work so that the victory of peace, of the Revolution, of Chávez and of Nicolás is overwhelming.”
  • “The task is to convince to win, motivate to succeed and organize to vote”
  • “On July 28, our Commander Hugo Chávez is 70 years old, and that day the Bolivarian Revolution will achieve some of the most splendid triumphs of the last 25 years.

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