

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Wednesday, June 26th? (+photos)

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 26/06/2024 07:00 PM

This Wednesday, June 26, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, led the 1x10x7 Machine Check in Caracas, through a videoconference with political teams and social movements.

In this regard, Cabello specified the importance of following the lines dictated by President Nicolás Maduro for the construction of the victory of July 28.

  • “Fellow brother President Nicolás Maduro has given us three lines: Convince to Win, Motivate to Succeed and Organize to Vote.”
  • “The people themselves have given them to us face and voice, while the pandemic was here and President Nicolás Maduro was showing his face and taking the lead in a great battle, the opposition was asking for sanctions (...) that is a truth and it is an argument, the arguments must be charged with truth”.
  • “And that has to do with morality (...) when a group is motivated and has a very high morale, victory is almost guaranteed, because people have the motivation to work, to face any obstacles and to overcome them.”
  • “We must knock on his doors and remind him of where we came from, remember what things were like here 25 years ago and those who want to restore that model of privatization (...) in the meantime here in Venezuela, blocked and threatened on several fronts, the national government has a coherent policy that has been growing for three straight quarters”
  • “We have to ensure that it is a perfect, majority, overwhelming, splendid victory, that it can be seen throughout the national territory and must translate into peace for the entire territory of this country.”
  • “The elections for us are a party and this one ends when the CNE says that the person who won is called Nicolás Maduro Moros.”
  • To win 28-J it is necessary to convince people, to touch those opponents who are aware of all the damage that sanctions have caused to our country.

As for the 1x10x7 electoral registration, he highlighted that now through 2406, revolutionaries will be able to verify the telephone number of their street chiefs.

  • “That's where your boss's phone number will appear, send him a message and tell him that you haven't called him, answer me. If you are the 1x10 boss, you are the boss with 14 or 15 or 4 or 5 that you have; you are going to tell him: We are counting on you for the victory of July 28. In addition, the text message tells you where you vote.”
  • The 1x10x7 must be charged with reality, with ethics, while urging permanent checks with organization to guarantee victory.
  • “Let's not leave anything for granted, let's do it ourselves and if we can't do it let's make it happen.”

Cabello also extended the invitation to the People to participate in the Electoral Simulation this coming Sunday.

  • “We have, on the 30th, the Electoral Simulacrum, organized by the CNE (National Electoral Council), the only electoral body in Venezuela that makes elections and that sets the rules and conditions for each electoral event.”
  • To carry out the Electoral Simulation, 1,174 voting centers are available throughout the country and 3,006 polling stations. 
  •  Revolutionary forces have always participated in electoral simulations, with the objective of “familiarizing us with the exercise of voting, because each election is different”.
  • The voting centers will operate from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.
  • In total, there is talk of eight hours of continuous work and he added that as long as there are voters in the queues, the center must remain open.
  • We are going to give special treatment to older adults, pregnant women, people with children in their arms and the disabled; “let them pass first (...) we do that, what I say is that we continue to put it into practice”.
  • The Electoral Simulacrum allows the practice of voting and the Republic Plan, executed by the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), at the same time he quoted the Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, and assured that the uniformed personnel “will be deployed throughout the national territory to guarantee peace in the face of threats from sectors that do not believe in elections.”

He also called on the militancy to activate witnesses and board members for reporting and compliance.

  • “We know what we have to do and we are not going to tell those secrets to our adversaries...”
  • “We are clear about what we have to do; we have at least 10 electoral processes with witnesses, we are correcting details, Constitution in hand, laws in hand.”
  • “We are going to put into practice what we have been building hard to do. We can be extremely satisfied to have this distribution of streets, communities, Bolivar and Chávez Battle Units (UBCH), we have a physical presence throughout the national territory.”

In the same way, he emphasized the importance of elections in Venezuela, since they represent a beacon for the region. At the same time, he condemned the opposition that always comes out to sing fraud.

  • “As of July 28, it will not be six months, gentlemen, God willing, it will be six years of peace, stability, tranquility, real progress (...) what we are building right now has solid foundations. We stop depending on oil, we depend on working people, we depend on a conscious people. The country is an example for the world.”
  • “Every time there are elections here, Venezuela is the center of attention (...) At this time the most important election in this entire hemisphere is the election in Venezuela, because they (imperialism) have applied any number of measures to the People of Venezuela, more than 900 to pressure them and this People has not given up.”
  • “We must show the world that despite the unilateral coercive measures, we raise our voice, our face and our vote to continue with Revolution in Venezuela for 6 and more years.”
  • The extreme right will not recognize the results of the elections, because its history is full of discourses of fraud every time the Revolution beats it in elections.
  • “Every time the right wing comes out with violence and has been defeated (...) respect the results.”

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