

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Tuesday, August 27, 2024?

He called on the People to be alert for the defense of peace.
Presidential Press

Published at: 27/08/2024 10:45 PM

This Tuesday, Diosdado Cabello Rondón was appointed by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro as Vice President of Public Security and Peace and Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace.

After learning about his appointment at the head of this important trench for the peace and security of the nation, the new minister thanked the head of state for the trust provided by the head of state and noted that:

“When the Clarín de la Patria calls, we are there soon with the people, always on the path of Commander Hugo Chávez.”

“I was Minister of the Interior in 2002, after handing over the vice-presidency to José Vicente Rangel, Commander Chávez appointed me Minister of Interior and Justice, in full guarimba.”

“Today, Venezuela is on the path of definitive peace, a peace with justice, one where the People feel that those who have acted against the Constitution and the Law will receive timely, timely and just justice, so to the President's order, here is a soldier of February 4th, a soldier of the Revolution, his soldier.”

Terrorist attack against the SEN

A few hours after his appointment, the vice president notified the country of an attack against the National Electric System (SEN) that affected the service of several states in the country and specified that:

  • “A few minutes ago, just before 7:16 this evening, there was a terrorist attack on the National Electric System located specifically on line 765 that comprises Valle La Pascua - Valencia and which has affected the states of Táchira, Mérida, Barinas, Zulia, Falcón, Nueva Esparta and partially sectors of Miranda, La Guaira and Caracas.”
  • “They attacked a transmission tower, the place has already been detected, we have already stabilized the system and service began to recover in some places.”

The new minister did not hesitate to point out the sectors of opposition extremism, stating that:

  • “This is one of the strategies that constantly enemy sectors of our country, enemies of our people, have used to try to harm us, to try to affect the population, to affect the enthusiasm and joy of our people.”
  • “These are repeated scripts from the opposition sectors. When they are defeated, when they know that peace is reigning throughout Venezuela they begin to attack, let's remember that they reached that extreme some time ago when the attack was of such magnitude that the entire Venezuela was affected.”
  • “Now they come back because they are defeated, they come back because they know that the agenda of violence is failing, they come back because peace is being imposed, they come back because they know that here in Venezuela the people came out to vote for the option of President Nicolás Maduro, they come back because they know that there is a definitive final sentence and that's what they have left; violence.”

Cabello called on the Venezuelan people to be alert and denounce any action that is aimed at affecting the country 's social peace, stating that:

  • “We alert our people, in the name of the Bolivarian Government, of the Revolutionary Government, we alert our people to be attentive in every corner of Venezuela.”
  • “Here at the Ministry we have the number 911 to report any suspicious action.”

  • “They are not going to cease their efforts and neither are we until there is justice in the country and the people of Venezuela can be assured that the response will be overwhelming against those who are generating violence, terrorist attacks on public services that are of extreme need for all the people of Venezuela.”

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