

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Thursday, October 17, 2024?

Cabello provided details of this operation, which deals a serious blow to this terrorist conspiracy that seeks to break the peace.
Con El Mazo Dando/MPPRIJP

Published at: 17/10/2024 07:30 PM

This Thursday, the Vice President of Politics, Public Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, held a press conference where he reported the arrest of a group of mercenaries, as well as the seizure of a significant batch of weapons.

From the headquarters of the Ministry for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Cabello provided details of this operation that deals a serious blow to this terrorist conspiracy that seeks to break the country's peace through the assassination of leaders of the Bolivarian Government.

“A new group of mercenaries was captured in Venezuela; as well as the seizure of 71 new weapons of war in different operations”

“In these procedures, it was also possible to recover 33 rifles that had been stolen from our Bolivarian National Armed Forces (...) There was a confrontation and unfortunately a colleague from the CICPC died, several members of the gang were captured, some fell in combat, others were injured, I mean the criminal gang.”

“We have guides and we know that there are a larger number of rifles that were sent in parts and we are after those weapons.”

“More than 500 weapons have been seized by the different security bodies in Venezuela, in the last operation there were 71 weapons, we arrested 19 foreign nationals, 14 of them have already been presented.”

Links with criminals

He specified that the investigations have made it possible to determine that mercenaries, introduced into the country through an operation of the Spanish National Intelligence Center (CNI), have links with elements belonging to Structured Organized Crime Groups (GEDO) such as the Aragua and the Llano Train, which were dismantled only by police action.

“The link is important because it is an operation in which the CNI introduces mercenaries and weapons into Venezuela and they establish contacts with criminal gangs to attack strategic points in the country, to assassinate leaders of the Revolution, harm our people and ultimately depose the Revolutionary Government”,

“The 33 FANB rifles that were recovered were in the hands of a criminal group known as the Jason Comino Band and during the police operation, a group of Venezuelans were arrested, “linked to the operation of this gang and their relations with mercenary groups.”

Imperialism leads the operation

He did not hesitate to point out that behind these conspiracy plans, in addition to the Spanish CNI, the Government of the United States is involved, through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the North American nation.

“Behind all this is imperialism with its agents of action, in this case the CIA and the Spanish National Intelligence Center, which is directly in charge of the operation, in the recruitment and supply of weapons.”

“It's proven and they know it. The United States has Álvaro Uribe, Iván Simonovis, Carlos Vecchio, Julio Borges and María Corina Machado to carry out the operations.”

“What they say is an invention here is the evidence (shows the weapons) now you wonder if INTERPOL is playing a leading position. Are the United States Governments washing their hands? They know that these weapons are here.”

“Here we are not inventing anything, here they are putting at risk a group of mercenaries from some parts of the world who are hired by the National Intelligence Center.”

“There are more than 500 weapons; you know that they have left there and the security agencies of the United States see themselves checking the weapons and letting them out; alias' the Deivis' is the one who makes the shipment, through the company Century”.

“We see the officers of the United States Department of Justice who are carrying out the seizure of an arsenal of weapons sent by alias the Deivis.”

María Corina Machado is the one who approves

In addition, the head of the office of Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, identified the leader of opposition extremism María Corina Machado as responsible for the operation to infiltrate mercenaries into the country, while the fugitive from Venezuelan justice, Iván Simonovis, is the one who trafficks arms.

“Mrs. María Corina is aware of this and she should not say anything, assume it. She is aware of all the damage that these gentlemen are going to cause to Venezuela.”

Simonovis is the one who brings the weapons and he has said that none of these operations are done without Maria Corina's approval.”

“The investigations allowed us to reach a group of former police officers linked to Simonovis who were bringing weapons to Venezuela, identified as Michell Ramírez, Mauricio Andrade, Leonardo Atilio and Argenis Alcalá.”

Iván Simonovis is a mercenary arms dealer, not only for Venezuela, but for the world, he is a mercenary protected by the United States, because he is their agent.”

Bribes to free mercenaries

Cabello revealed that after the operation to capture the American Jonathan Pagán González, who had the job of infiltrating the religious sectors, a police chief from the state of Zulia was arrested, who had been offered the sum of between 500 thousand and one million dollars to release the arrested mercenary.

“When he was arrested, we managed to capture a police chief from there, from the state of Zulia, who was offered between 500 and a million dollars to return this gentleman, so that they would not take him and not bring him to justice.”

“There are a number of people arrested around this captured American citizen who is confessing.”

Jonathan Pagán González, a North American citizen, of Puerto Rican origin, has a very serious connection in the state of Zulia to attack the President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez and leaders of Chavism.”

Prosecuted mercenaries

Regarding the mercenaries arrested in this and previous operations, the vice president noted that they are already being prosecuted in compliance with the Venezuelan constitution and laws, based on respect for human rights and due process.

“All these citizens have already been judicialized, complying with the times established by the Law and giving them the guarantees as established by the Law, but doing the investigations as appropriate.”

“Everyone has their human rights respected, better than in Guantánamo; their countries must know that they are coming to conspire against Venezuela to harm our country.”

“Nobody has been mistreated, we don't do that here, they do that in Guantánamo, they do it elsewhere.”

“The names of the judges and prosecutors who prosecute these individuals are not disclosed to protect the national justice system from mercenaries and terrorists, we are obliged to protect their integrity.”

Thanks to the Colombian Government

Cabello thanked the Colombian Government, led by President Gustavo Petro, for their collaboration with Venezuelan security agencies to dismantle these conspiracy plans against the country.

Colombian security agencies have helped the Bolivarian Government identify logistics operators that are trying to introduce weapons into Venezuela.”

“It's very important for neighboring countries to understand that what happens to them in Venezuela has consequences for them, because they would apply it as a modus operandi to destabilize.”

“I am sure that these operations are not only being carried out towards Venezuela, but towards other countries that are not related to the United States government.”

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