

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Thursday, May 2?

Great Mobilization in support of President Maduro in Falcón
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 02/05/2024 08:00 PM

This Thursday, May 2, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, accompanied the Great Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the blockade against the Homeland in the states of Falcón and Zulia.

During the activity, he emphasized the importance of remaining organized to win the victory on July 28:

  • “Let's focus on winning the presidential elections on July 28.”
  • “The sun doesn't harm us, that is to others who get dermatitis if the sun hits them.”
  • “We have a candidate, which is not that he looks like the People; we have a candidate who is from the People, who is the People, who is one of us (...). Imperialism now has a candidate, its candidate, and they are out in the street campaigning for it because it will melt if the sun hits it.”
  • “He has shown no sign of giving up nor is he going to give up, because I know him as a brother, Nicolás Maduro will always be on the side of the People, fighting with his people.”

Regarding the sources of violence that the opposition may generate, he said:

  • “We will take to the streets, as one, to defend the Revolution and to defend the Fatherland, if they decide to leave as they are prepared, on the side of violence. We are going to catch them in the downhill and they will find us!”
  • “Let's activate the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) so that there are no voids and thus we guarantee peace in the small; when we guarantee peace in the small, we are guaranteeing peace in the big.”
  • “With Chávez and Maduro in the streets, we are going to the streets, we are going to the revolutionary victory!”

He also recalled that the opposition that comes out today to ask for the vote has never wanted the People:

  • “They hate us, wherever La Sayona goes, it leaves hatred, resentment. If someone from the Town approaches him, he wrinkles his face, because the Town smells bad to them. They smell bad, that rotten bourgeoisie, that rotten bourgeoisie, which despises our people and makes fun of them.”
  • The presidential candidate of the extreme right and imperialism represents a threat to the country, while recalling the contempt it has expressed against women, people of African descent and the sex-diverse community, etc.
  • “We have to remind them why here in Venezuela we couldn't buy medicines for Covid, the war they waged against food. We have to remind them because they are immoral.”

In the same way, he mentioned the madness of the right wing about his presence in the states:

  • “They were saying: 'That bug, the Diosdado, is out there, generating violence'; and since I made them move the act, they moved the act because they didn't have people, that's the truth.”
  • “I am proud and happy! It was worth it to drive here, to meet you, to feel the people, to embrace them, because when you embrace a woman, you embrace all the women of the Falcón state, when you embrace a young man, you embrace all young people, just like a peasant, and together we are embracing Chávez.

Marcha gizzard!

At the end of this walk with the Falconian people, Diosdado Cabello Rondón went to the Luis Hurtado Higuera parish, in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia state, to accompany the thousands of Zulians who flooded the streets to express their rejection of imperialist sanctions against Venezuela and express their support for President Nicolás Maduro.

During his speech, the psuvist leader questioned opposition extremism, stating that:

  • “Today, the candidate of those who are asking for sanctions, blockades and invasions wants to come and ask for your vote for the next presidential elections, but from wherever the bourgeoisie hides, let them come here.”
  • “Now they come to tell them: 'I've fucked you up for the last ten years and I ask for your support to keep fucking you up'. They do it as if the people had no memory and they also know who the enemies of the Fatherland are.”
  • “When they govern they are very bad, they are a disaster. Maracaibo is full of garbage, excuse me, doesn't the mayor pick up his garbage and in San Francisco they don't pick up the garbage either? they are bad rulers and they have no shame”.

In this regard, he stressed the importance of unity to guarantee the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution, which, in addition to being a guarantee of peace, is a Government at the service of the People.

  • “He (right-wing candidate) said that he wasn't going to walk because he didn't get together with the mob, he said he wasn't going to campaign, because he didn't go out with the mob. If we walk with the People, we commit ourselves and give our lives for that People, our People.”
  • Commander Chávez and President Maduro signed a pact of love with the humble and hardworking people and the Bolivarian Revolution has a pact with the people and that is why no one will take us off the streets.”
  • “When we say hope is in the street, it's because it's on the street and it's Commander Chávez, it's Nicolás (Maduro), it's the Popular Power, it's the Revolutionary Union and it's opposed to the violence of the opposition's haters, but we're going to defend peace.”
  • “On July 28, a revolutionary victory, I ask everyone to always be united, without groups of any kind. All united, we are going to add up all the votes so that Nicolás repeats”.
  • “United we are invincible, we are going to go out, as Commander Chávez said, to the streets, to battle and to victory.”

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