

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Saturday, May 18?

“All PSUV structures must be registered 1x10 and if you are a militant you must also have your 1x10,” he said.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 18/05/2024 08:44 PM

This Saturday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, participated in the Mobilization in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the United States against the country.

At the end of the walk that flooded the streets of the city of La Victoria, in the José Félix Ribas municipality of the state of Aragua, the Psuvist leader emphasized that:

  • “The Bolivarian Revolution has its candidate and the People of Venezuela have their candidate that they unanimously elected, brother President Nicolás Maduro (...) whom we have always seen on the street next to the People without any weakness in the face of North American imperialism.”
  • “Those people (the right) hurt you, those people hate you, while they hated you, while they hurt you, there was Nicolás Maduro's hand extended to the people of Venezuela.”

He highlighted the importance of methodical organization to guarantee the mobility of the vote in favor of the revolution, pointing out that:

  • “Everyone who puts a name there in their 1x10 has to make sure that person is going to vote.”
  • “All PSUV structures must be registered 1x10 and if you are a militant you must also have your 1x10”.
  • “My job is that I score 10 and I have to visit them every day, every week for that vote to be consolidated.”

He insisted on the need to mass information about the mobilizations of the People in the face of censorship imposed by the imperialist media and social networks, so he called for:

  • “You with the phone in your hand are the reporters, the reporters, here is the town on the street in La Victoria supporting Nicolás Maduro Moros do it you are the communication battle of the whole town”.
  • “We can report, we must say, the most difficult thing is for everything to come out, for this whole town to take to the streets to support a project... Taking the photo is very simple because they won't take me!”

He warned about the plans of opposition extremism, warning that:

  • “Don't be sorry, this is a perverse project against the country, against the homeland, against Venezuelan women, against young people, against boys and girls. They have no love for our country and that hatred of them, we are going to defeat it with the love that Chávez sowed throughout the national territory*.
  • “Their bad intention (the opposition) is going to be defeated on July 28; they can disguise themselves as sayona, as a whistle, as a fireball, whatever they want, but on July 28 the people will take to the streets and once again say: Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Venezuelans and the Venezuelans.”
  • “Today, the candidate of imperialism, the candidate of sanctions, the candidate of La Sayona (...) after having called for sanctions, blockades and invasions, that the sanctions continue, that they do not leave the people of Venezuela alone, come to ask for your vote.”
  • “Manipulable people don't move if they don't get a rope, so are the manipulable ones who, being on the street, will never show their face to the people, who are on the street will never feel the love of the people in a march or a demonstration.”

Cabello Rondón confirmed the importance of the organization and ruled that in the face of the destabilizing plans of the fascist right, revolutionaries must guarantee a perfect victory.

  • “On the 28th night they're going to sing Fraud, we saw that movie.”
  • “They are already saying that the Government is going to suspend the elections (...), that the elections are not free, that they are not transparent elections and they will finally say that they are not credible. Well, we're going to make him believe and we're going to show him that on July 28, an avalanche of women and men will come out to vote for Nicolás Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution.”
  • “On July 28, revolutionaries and revolutionaries are going to give a great demonstration to the world.”

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