

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Monday, September 02, 2024?

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 02/09/2024 07:11 PM

This Monday, September 2, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, led the weekly press conference of the red awning, in which he highlighted the lines of work and reaffirmed the organization's position on national and international issues.

In this regard, he highlighted the activities that the PSUV will be carrying out these days, which is still under permanent deployment.

  • “We are still deployed, house to house we are inviting everyone to the Anti-Fascist Congress that will take place on September 10 and 11... And we will do previous activities to get in a position to denounce to the world what is happening in Venezuela.”
  • “The Committee for Victims of Fascism is being organized, the face of fascism has faces, faces and surnames in the country. What Venezuela is doing is putting a stop to fascism all over America, here they will never assume power either by hook or by crook.”
  • “We are going to celebrate 16 years of PSUV Youth with various activities starting September 12 and the celebration will close in November with an International Congress of Youth and Students.”
  • “So that young people from around the world come and see the truth of Venezuela, and go out into the world to tell it.”

Regarding the attack on the National Electricity System (SEN) promoted by sectors of the extreme right in the country, he said:

  • “They repeat the same script with actions like these, believing that they harm only Chavistas and end up attacking their own people as well, which, of course, generates rejection from a family that is in their house, whether they are oppositional, Chavista or who have no political identification (...) it is a terrorist attack that affects us all regardless of class, religion or anything”.
  • The attacks against the SEN are led by “the fascist sector of Mrs. María Corina Machado and all those around her; she is directly responsible for these attacks”.
  • “She said it: We have to cut off the power and treat Venezuelans as kidnapped.”
  • “What they tried to do this week was actually a tougher attack than the one in 2019, but what this also demonstrated is that our workers and the National Government have prepared to respond to these attacks in a shorter time.”
  • “We are going to get to the bottom, to those responsible. We already know who is the intellectual responsible, but we are going to reach all those responsible,” he said, noting that there is an extraordinary team in the Guri engine room “reviewing everything, checking everything, to see where the details are”.

Also, on the hatred, attacks and violence of the leaders of the extreme right and mercenaries who threaten Venezuela, he pointed out:

  • “This town is not for anyone, they would like hate to invade the whole of Venezuela and for us to be killing each other; that's not going to happen.”
  • “It is known who the haters and haters are that every time they speak what they distill is poison; they drink a bottle of poison and want the others to die.”
  • Extremists push children and young people to death “because they are not their children, they are the children of others (...) they bring them to death because they are haters, they are fascists. Mrs. María Corina Machado is a fascist, she is a murderer of children, she leads them to their deaths, they don't care at all, while her children are in the United States living like wrens.”
  • “The cowardice of Mr. Edmundo González doesn't appear anywhere, he doesn't show his face to his own people, they summoned a number of young people to their deaths, using the same script as April 11.”
  • On the extreme right, the show of the minutes fell and in the face of it they only practice “hate, irresponsibility and I was not”.
  • “It's very easy to challenge from Miami, from Spain (...) Come here, things are good here. It no longer has a government that supports massacres.”
  • “They have always been mercenaries and the sad thing is that they are at the service of imperialism. This People will never accept that no one comes here in the name of imperialism to give it a government, no, they are free, sovereign and independent and they are determined to remain so”.
  • Elon Musk is “a criminal, a guy who uses his power, especially his economic power, to do harm anywhere; an instrument of imperialism, a guy who is addicted to serious drugs, not right now, but all his life, confessed by himself (...) who believes he can change presidents in the world. Imperialism in action, the instruments that imperialism uses, before it used the army, still uses them; it is the army of information or counterinformation. They generate matrices that make absolutely uncertain things true”.

In the same way, he questioned international spokespersons who fall into the trap of the extreme right and end up believing his false narrative against the elections in Venezuela; he also expressed the solidarity of the PSUV with Honduras.

  • “They fall into that trap, not realizing that today they are attacking us, but tomorrow they are going to attack them, and if they manage to defeat us, they will pass over them.”
  • The Bolivarian Revolution is not “going to be defeated, rest assured that it will be like this, we will continue to defeat”.
  • “From here we want to express our total and absolute solidarity with President Xiomara Castro of Honduras, to whom fascism and imperialism are currently trying to stage a coup d'etat.”
  • “Imperialism is annoyed that a Head of State is not subservient to its interests.” 
  •  The United States likes to have puppets like in Peru, which is a government that is not constitutionally elected by the people. “They don't ask her (Dina Boluarte) for the minutes, but they give her a hug.”

Cabello referred to Human Rights, recalling that they were not respected in the Fourth Republic.

  • “Once again on the subject of human rights! Here in Venezuela, human rights were violated in the Fourth Republic (...) here they violated Human Rights and put a guaya on him so that he could behead himself when he was riding his motorcycle”.
  • “When they go to the house of a PSUV leader to intimidate, violate their Human Rights or when they were going to kill those who were in the Party House in Carora...”.
  • “... To the comrades who were murdered in El Callao and Maracay for political reasons, out of hate, ordered by the fascist major María Corina Machado of that group, which is getting smaller every time, fortunately.”
  • The Bolivarian Government “we have nothing to hide (...) we want all children in Venezuela to be able to go to school and what has been done is to guarantee education to all children in Venezuela.”
  • “We don't have youth camps, as in the United States, for young people and migrant children, who separate them from their parents”, or “what is happening in Palestine with Palestinian children that Israel does. We don't do anything like that, boys and girls are untouchable for us, we love them with our soul and we are here to assure boys and girls a country without hatred and without irresponsible people, like the fascist terrorist Machado and Mr. Edmundo González, the same combo of fascism”.
  • “Fortunately, this people are very aware, we defeated them on the 28th in the elections, on the 29th and 30th in the street and we continue to defeat them before the conscience of our people and sooner rather than later the world will have to understand that here in Venezuela there is only one president, who is called Nicolás Maduro.”

He reaffirmed the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to guarantee peace throughout the national territory.

  • The “only one that guarantees peace in this country is the Revolutionary Government, under the command of President Nicolás Maduro, fascism does not guarantee peace in Venezuela”.
  • Venezuela doesn't belong to anyone, it belongs to our people.”
  • “This people do not know how to hide or hide, this people know how to fight, resist and win, we have demonstrated it to this right every time we have the opportunity.”
  • The National Government will continue to guarantee peace for all Venezuelans, to continue to advance, despite those who try to impose hatred, violence and destabilization in the country.

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