

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Monday, December 16?

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 16/12/2024 04:55 PM

This Monday, December 16, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, led the red awning press conference in which he highlighted issues of national and international interest.

In this regard, Cabello highlighted the electoral holiday that took place in the country due to the elections of the Justices of the Peace.

  • “Yesterday Venezuela experienced an extraordinary day, one of those days for remembrance, for history to be proud of the level of our participatory and leading democracy, of our people.”
  • Yesterday's day went by in peace and without any inconvenience. This was possible because “the sayones and sayonas, the usual haters, did not participate”.
  • A recognition to the noble and courageous people who came to the defense and asserted, once again, the Constitution of the Republic.
  • A recognition also of the work of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Plan República for their support in this election holiday.
  • “We have 30,000 judges across the country. It's a true democracy, it's our model, which will be strengthened, with extraordinary strength to continue empowering People's Power more, it's not the oligarchy or the economic powers.”
  • The proclamation Judges and Justices of the Peace is made by the Circular Electoral Commissions, which have five members of the People's Power and who announce who won.
  • Of the 5,297 communal circuits that exist, 436 are in their territory and they also elected their Judges of the Peace according to their laws.
  • “We continue to advance in a democracy in which the people decide, not the oligarchy or imperialism.”
  • The extreme right “does not believe in democracy, they do not believe in Popular Power or in the Constitution”.
  • “This Town is the driver of its own destiny, which is why we are very happy with the leading role of the People.”
  • “Once (Luiz Inacio) Lula said there is no more democratic country than Venezuela, if there is no election they invent it.”
  • “These are elections where the protagonist is the People, where the People participate, as happened yesterday with a massive presence.”

Cabello also called on the revolutionary forces to accompany the swearing in of President Nicolás Maduro on January 10.

  • “This town is going to be happy on January 10, together with its president Nicolás Maduro.”
  • “We have our tasks clear and we are going to do it to the letter, we don't leave it to anyone, the call is for popular organization and maximum mobilization.”
  • We are going to be ready, to have the communication networks working perfectly and not let them “surprise us” anywhere. “They (the right) are going to try to generate violence, because if the right knows how to do anything, it's to cheat on our people.”
  • “On January 10, the only one who is going to be sworn in is called Nicolás Maduro.”

In addition, he warned about the fascist plans of the extreme right in Venezuela and how they lie to their people again; he also indicated that they have left alone those released after post-electoral violence.

  • “There is no chance that Mr. Edmundo González will set foot in Venezuela without being arrested.”
  • “They're falling to Coba... And are you going to believe that's going to happen to you? Well, it's already on another level... They are the same liars!”
  • “What if you are going to be sworn in at Disneyland, in a bar in Spain. What's up, in the midst of his perennial drunkenness, nothing is going to happen in Venezuela! Here we have an elected president and his name is Nicolás Maduro.”
  • “There he came out saying that if it wasn't the 10th it was any other day and it's not going to be the 10th or any other day, there are zero possibilities, at this point they're not even ashamed.”
  • “Regarding the releases here, there were terrorist acts, there was violence and a number of Venezuelans were arrested, with the aggravating circumstance that they themselves were recorded and published on the networks.”
  • “They infused terror in the People so that people would be frightened”, in this sense, he stressed that the Revolution's response was: We are on the street, the streets belong to the People, not yours, they are not the terrorists'.”
  • “They were left alone, they don't care about the fate of those who are arrested because of them, they don't care. Many manipulated criminals, who promised that they would later be exonerated of all the crimes they had committed, that's why they killed people.”
  • To this day, it has become clear that no State body is linked to the deaths after the elections where President Nicolás Maduro was the winner.
  • “The President, Head of State, who might feel entrenched because they tried to overthrow him, asked that all the causes be reviewed and people are leaving, more than 300 have already left.”
  • “It's just that these people were abandoned, they left them and their families alone, what happens to them doesn't hurt at all, what happens to them doesn't hurt at all.”
  • They use detainees only as a political flag, so it is not convenient for them to be released from prison.

In the same way, he reproached the nefarious practices of longliners aligned with the hoaxes promoted by the national extreme right.

  • “They live in another reality because that's why they get paid (...) Orlando Avenaño is a lying wage earner, he's a hit man. I don't know if that's journalism, that's not journalism, social communication is something very serious, journalists require high levels of ethics and professionalism.”
  • Longliners like Avenaño are dedicated to “scandal, constant lies and they have no shame of any kind, they give information and then they give it, none of them apologize” when it is discovered that it is false news.
  • “How many of them came out later to say: 'well I cheated on them on December First'? When they said that Caracas was going to be taken, then they concentrated there in Plaza La Castellana, how many were there?”

He referred to the arrest of the Argentine citizen and to the new threats from the European Union (EU) to Venezuela.

  • The detention of an Argentine citizen in Venezuelan territory “is justice, not manipulation”.
  • The detainee “came to fulfill a mission, which is not that it has been aborted; we have dealt him a hard blow thanks to State security agencies”.
  • In Venezuela there is justice, there are authorities, there is sovereignty, independence (...) here their fundamental rights are guaranteed to all detainees”.
  • Multiple visitors arrive at the national territory, who are not stopped and he added that Venezuela is a country of grace, of good and friendly people.”
  • The European Union “are arrogant, they think they can sanction, they are stupid (...) It's the same method that has been going on for five or six years, a little longer, against Venezuela.”
  • “You have nothing to do in Venezuela, don't stick your nose in Venezuela.”

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