

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Monday, April 22, 2024?

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 22/04/2024 07:00 PM

This Monday, April 22, during the press conference of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the first vice-president of the red awning, Diosdado Cabello, highlighted issues of national and international interest on the country's political agenda.

In this regard, he emphasized the National Popular Consultation 2024, which was held on Sunday, April 21, across the country:

  • “Yesterday there was an extraordinary Popular Consultation bringing alive the letter of our Constitution, a participatory and leading democracy, where the People decide (...) An extraordinary success, the participation and the great awareness of the people of Venezuela.”
  • “It's almost a luxury to have an organizational structure of the country at all levels and this time it was up to the Community Councils, the People's Power, to reflect and express their opinion on communal projects in each of the sectors.”
  • “The People were not consulted here, it was never done; when Commander Chávez consulted the People or tried to consult the People in the year 99 about the Constituent Assembly, they immediately went to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to try to invalidate that possibility.”

  • “The PSUV respects the popular expression of our people (...) A lot of people voted, people believe in a process that is in their hands.”
  • “Now we will see the results and the execution of these projects together with the People.”
  • “The Community Councils are the fundamental base and the communes, because every day they consult, every day they meet in a full exercise of participatory and leading democracy, every day there is an assembly, every day there are proposals, every day there are problems to solve and address. When they have a problem in a commune, they meet and submit that proposal to the competent bodies.”
  • “They went, they voted an impressive number... But beyond that, the enthusiasm of people and people who believe in a process.”

Regarding the electoral issue and the opposition, he highlighted the following:

  • “The Electoral Registration ended and the CNE registered just over 600,000 new voters.”
  • “The opposition has always had candidates, it had 11, now a rearrangement is coming. Opposition parties will support each other.”
  • Edmundo González is the candidate the gringos want.”
  • “The Bolivarian Revolution has its candidate, his name is Nicolás Maduro Moros.”

  • “The opposition has waged campaigns trying to divide Chavism, but they are not going to divide us, we are more united than ever, clear about our mission and commitment.”
  • “The opposition will continue to be entangled, very entangled; we are not, we are very clear; the road has been cleared, we have our candidate, we are preparing the machinery of the different parties of the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) and the PSUV as the fundamental vanguard of the revolutionary movement...”.

  • Social movements are united for the victory in the presidential elections “especially people who feel that Venezuela, despite the blockade and sanctions, has been re-emerging and has been receiving thanks to the government's firmness in a clear policy”.
  • “People who had nothing to do with it recently and say: 'Look in the last 10 months, a year, two years I have started doing this thing and it has been going well for me, I can't go back now because of the same people who caused this situation. '”
  • The Organic Law of the Electoral Power states that “you cannot register a candidate who is not previously nominated. If someone applies after the date of the application it is considered not submitted, in the end they proved the simple argument of the Law right”.
  • “A candidate showed up, that's what they had to do, that's what we told them.”
  • “After this happens, after Nicolás Maduro Moros wins the presidential elections with the support of the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), social movements, then they will come to choose their candidates.”
  • “Justice is about José Brito, the only thing that Capriles, Borges and all those people have a new boss... Who would say that the upper bourgeoisie has a new boss”.

On international issues in actions in other countries and in which they have called on Venezuela, he indicated:

  • “I think that presidents Petro and Lula have to ask the opposition for that (political peace agreement), the peace president is Nicolás Maduro; Nicolás Maduro has worked tirelessly for peace (...) our president is the champion of peace.”
  • Nicolás Maduro did not ask for invasions, Nicolás Maduro is not the one who asked for TIAR, sanctions, blockades; they are the lords of the opposition.”
  • “The irresponsibility and immaturity of a ruler and the lack of political clarity of those who come to power and believe that they can do with power whatever they want, such as robbing an embassy”, referring to the actions of President Daniel Noboa in Ecuador against the Mexican embassy. 
  •  “Here they assaulted her, without having the power; imagine with the power; they are the same, daddy and mommy's children who also assault power in their countries.”
  • He considered the meeting held by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to discuss this issue as extraordinary.
  • “They haven't done anything, they have no morals, besides that all this is caused by them, because they appointed a mequetrefe (Juan Guaidó) as president, of them, because the president of the Venezuelans is Nicolás Maduro; they are the ones who have executed sanctions at the request of last names.”
  • “The entire Venezuelan situation is created by the United States, all of it.”
  • “There is no more immoral entity than the United States of America and the various governments that have passed through it.”

Among other issues of interest to the country, Cabello said:

  • “Everything suggests that winter is beginning in our country, winter is rain (...) let's be very careful and we will work in time to avoid any misfortune that the Venezuelan family may suffer.”
  • “So, from here I want to send greetings from the Party to our dear Yulimar Rojas, who had a complicated injury, had surgery and has to keep her rest, but from here we send her all our love, our love, our recognition and solidarity with the best athlete in the world, there is no one like Yulimar, there is no one and she is Venezuelan, Creole (...) she is an extraordinary person, with an impressive charism and a simplicity. May everything go well and may he recover soon to move forward.”

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