

What did Diosdado Cabello say this Friday, May 03?

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against sanctions in Sucre
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 03/05/2024 07:30 PM

This Wednesday, May 03, accompanied by the love of the People of Marigüitar, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, together with the governor of the entity, Gilberto Pinto, led the great march in support of the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of sanctions in the state of Sucre.

During this great mobilization, Cabello emphasized that the energy of the revolutionary forces is on the street and is preparing to win the victory of July 28.

  • “What a crowd boy! (...) We are street people, what they have us is stuck in the house; that's why we say that with Chávez and Maduro for the streets”.
  • It's pure love, that's strength, not just physical strength, but spiritual strength, it's a force that implies loyalty to a project, but above all loyalty to brother Commander Hugo Chávez, loyalty to brother President Nicolás Maduro and loyalty to the revolutionary people of Venezuela.”
  • “Wherever one walks and embraces the people, we are confused in an embrace of sweat, but also of love, of accompaniment and of affection, an embrace of true strength to continue fighting against whoever and whenever.”
  • “This people are wise and patient, and we know when to act, we know when to make decisions, we don't despair because a safe hand is not thrown away.”
  • “We say that with Maduro we will subtract for whatever comes, in good times and in bad times; if it is in bad times faster, to see if the green cambur stains.”
  • “We will continue to fight and that strengthens us because it is the historic struggle for the rights of the people, it is the fight of Bolivar, it is the struggle of Sucre.”

As for the opposition, he stressed that they have the candidate of sanctions, of imperialism and of those who have always encouraged aggressions against the Fatherland.

  • “He doesn't like black people! Racist is what it is (...)! He doesn't like brothers from native peoples, besides that he doesn't like people of sexual diversity. Who is he to discriminate against a people? Who is he to create separation between Venezuelan women and Venezuelans?”
  • “I tell them he's a guy who hides behind a skirt, hides behind imperialism. He doesn't show his face, he doesn't talk because if he talks he screws up!”
  • Edmundo González will never “be able to work, to walk with the workers of the Fatherland like Nicolás Maduro did, no...”.
  • While the revolutionary forces are “on the street demanding an end to the blockade, an end to the sanctions (...) the right is asking for more blockades and more sanctions, because behind the blockade and the sanctions they set up their businesses”.
  • “They set up the business of banditry and corruption”

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