

What did Diosdado Cabello say on May 31, 2024?

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 31/05/2024 07:00 PM

This Friday, May 31, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, held a meeting with the political team of the red awning in Maturín, Monagas state.

During the day, he highlighted the importance of organizing the 1x10 registration machinery to win the next presidential elections.

  • “That's extraordinary! , as one says: That's right pepiao! We don't have to give data to the opposition about anything, if they don't meet or organize, that's their problem.”
  • That doesn't come by chance, it's not going to fall out of the sky, on the contrary, every step must be consolidated and made a great splendorous victory and allow us to continue moving forward in peace and quiet for the next six years.”
  • “A 1x10 with new features was proposed and we started from scratch just 18 days ago, the response has been extraordinary.”
  • “We must comply with the entire structure of the Party, whoever has 1x10 must include at least one or one that has never voted for Chavism.”
  • PSUV being the largest party, with the largest territorial presence. Since the arrival of the Revolution, 25 years ago, an absolute policy of the inclusion of Chavism has been proposed. It always has to go beyond what we do with arguments convincing people.”
  • Each 1X10 group must have their WhatsApp group, everyone must do the communication work, inform their people that we have been meeting fine-tuning details on the way to the victory of July 28.
  • PSUV heads of organization have to be “annoying” and call people and talk to them to minimize flaws in the party's structure.
  • “Let's do our homework right and the opposition will have 6 more years of crying.”
  • “Now our 1x10 must be circumscribed to the state. You can't have on your list one in Mérida, one in Guárico, one in Bolivar, that can't be. The 1x10 has to be landed in the territory where I live.”
  • Let's do the 1x10 job well done, with dedication, with love and without lying in any of the instances, that is verifiable.”
  • “We reached the communities, 266,000 streets in Venezuela where the PSUV has an active presence with work teams that are deployed and now have a very powerful tool, which is the 1x10.”
  • The 1X10 have to be real, not a lie, because “it has happened to us on other occasions that someone notes 30 people and when you check out those 30 they went to vote 3, that can't happen right now, if you write 10 it's because it's going to lead to 10 votes.”
  • “It has to be a political job, to visit our members of 1X10, to call them, to know how they are, if they need any medicine, any attention, that is the door-to-door, heart-to-heart policy, as we Chavistas are, loving, supportive, with affection, it's not a distant policy”

    He also highlighted to the revolutionary militancy the importance of unity to guarantee the victory of President Nicolás Maduro and the peace of the Fatherland.

    • “Let's not be afraid of victory, we are destined to win, Nicolás Maduro is a winner and he won because he had the support of the people.”
    • “As long as we stand together as a single block, we are invincible.”
    • “We are united as brothers, like a solid, indestructible rock, whoever messes with one messes with everyone and that's what they (opponents) are terrified of.”
    • “We are moved by the force of love that inspired us by Commander Hugo Chávez. It used to be frowned upon for one man to say to another: I love you; that happened, Chávez cured us of that complex.”
    • “We want as brothers, men, women, we embrace each other, we fight for this country, we know how to win”.
    • “We will achieve a splendid victory on July 28, for the Fatherland, always with Bolivar, with Chávez, with Nicolás together with the People we will win.”
    • “The United Socialist Party of Venezuela has the highest impact, which is why it is the greatest political force in this country, that's not a lie, that's an extraordinary reality that also pleases us.”
    • “With the victory of the Revolution, the peace of the Fatherland is guaranteed. How is peace guaranteed in the national territory? Ensuring peace in the small, in every street, community, parish, UBCH, municipality and state, is the job that belongs to us

    In reference to the Venezuelan opposition, he warned that they are once again preparing stages to sing fraud and promote violence in the country.

    • “The opposition acts like mafias, with characteristics of a mafia and they want to scare the people of Venezuela.”
    • “They are political fakers, with a terrible campaign against their own country, their latest invention is that anything that happened anywhere in the world and there was a Venezuelan witness, they said that this was the Aragua Train, the real crime train is made up of them, is made up of the opposition.” 
    •  The opposition has stolen “Citgo, Monomers, the gold that Venezuela has abroad, Venezuela's assets abroad, they make up a criminal train and they want to govern the country to finish handing it over, we are of course going to stop them”.
    • Those opponents, who also called for sanctions, “walk with their faces so washed in neighborhoods asking for votes, who until last year were not going to elections with the National Electoral Council.”

    Mazo News Team