

What did Diosdado Cabello say on May 27, 2024? (+photos)

National Directorate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 27/05/2024 07:00 PM

This Monday, May 27, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, was the spokesperson for the red awning press conference, in which he took stock of the activities promoted in the run-up to the elections on July 28; as well as ratifying positions on issues of national and international political interest.

Regarding the issue of the mobilization and organization of the 1x10 record, he indicated:

  • “We have been reviewing the agenda, of how we are doing in meeting the goals. And we can say that we are at a very high level of satisfaction with respect to the 1x10 that we are working on and it reaches every corner of our country, a very beautiful demonstration”.
  • The president gave us the task that every 1x10 of the structures must have at least one person who has not voted for Chavism (...) each of us must include someone who has never voted for Chavism, whether they have previously voted for the opposition or who is a routine abstentionist and mobilize them.”
  • “We have been in beautiful mobilizations all over the country that do not allow us to take stock, to verify the 1x10, the machinery, the combative spirit of our militancy, the morale of our people for this battle of July 28, that's why we are so certain of the victory of July 28, we can read it in our people.”
  • “In the 1x10, never before, in such a short time, has there been such a strong organizational response as those we are currently experiencing for these elections.”

      He also highlighted the dignity that President Nicolás Maduro has maintained during his term of office, despite attacks from the right wing and imperialism; at the same time, he also highlighted the empowerment he has given to the People through the 1x10 System of Good Governance.

      • “He is a President who has not fallen into demoralization, he has remained at the head of the Government in the worst moments, with dignity. He is a President who, in the face of all the attacks on the country, has been at the forefront.”
      • The experience in international issues that the Head of State has was essential to ensure that the necessary vaccines arrived in the country to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
      • “Who are the Revolution's main advisors? The Village. This people do know, and they know how to beat copper, they do know how to do things and how they shouldn't be done.”
      • “I go, register and pass on something new. Immediately someone calls me. And that's already in the order of 78% compliance; there are states and municipalities that are well advanced in compliance.”
      • In the Bolivarian Revolution, the human being comes first because he is the reason for this socialist process.

      Regarding the Venezuelan right, he specified that from now on they are preparing the stage to sing fraud and call for violence after the results of 28J. At the same time, he highlighted several of the actions that the right wing is carrying out against the People.

      • For days now, the opposition has been dealing with the story of fraud, they have been following the story that 'these are not clean or transparent elections', it is the same discourse of all the electoral events in the country and it will be the same result of the vast majority of electoral events in this country, a resounding triumph of the revolutionary forces.”
      • “The logical thing, on election day, is for whoever loses to recognize the results; not to go out to call for violence, guarimbas, not to know the results or to say that 'tomorrow I will present the evidence' and never present it (...) Everything indicates that the scenario for which the position is set up is that same scene of violence.”
      • The opposition “has played coups d'etat, is betting on invasions, has called for a blockade and tried to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro Moros, promoting the entry of foreign military forces into Venezuela in the absence of something fundamental to democracy”.
      • They are the same people who have been attacking the country for 25 years and “are now betting on an unknown candidate and on violence”.
      • “Some of them are candidates and they are campaigning and have an agenda. Others need someone to wind them up and speak for them. They are weak candidates like “InmundoGonzález, who is a puppet of imperialism, who does nothing that he is not ordered to do”.
      • “The municipalities of Maracaibo and San Francisco haven't dealt with a single case, because they don't care about the people, because they are bad at governing.”
      • “The People are aware that the difficulties have not been created by the National Government (...), they know that the opposition caused the sanctions”.
      • “The AN (National Assembly) is not chosen to dismiss a president, it has its tasks and nowhere does it say that in 6 months we will leave the president of the Republic; but they (the right) went that way: the mechanism of violence, the authorities then appointed powers, the parallel Narnia”.
      • Henrique Capriles is looking for a position in the campaign command to see if they put him in any space.”
      • “We hope that the opposition candidates will follow the path of democracy by electoral means and maintain the position they have held until now.”
      • “Those economic advisors, from any opposition sector, should first verify the causes for which we are in the situation or because of the situation we have been through in recent years. Venezuela was heading towards being a small great power, a small power economically and socially, with a political model different from the capitalism proposed by Commander Chávez, building housing for his people, education, health, employment, generating new industries; and suddenly imperialism decided, together with Venezuelan allies, these same expert advisor allies, decided to attack our country”.
      • “When we see today that we have risen without oil revenues, without depending on oil, that is a great strength. This has been done by our people, but also guided by the policies of the Government, guided by the policies of the Revolution.”
      • The advisors of extremism “are committed to big capital, not to ordinary people and they don't care that the people have a minimum wage below; no, that doesn't matter to them at all. They don't care because if they cared, they wouldn't have asked for sanctions, a blockade against Venezuela, or allowed them to steal money from Venezuelans, because it was them.”

        On the other hand, Cabello condemned the complicit silence of international organizations in the face of Israel's criminal bombing of the Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah.

        • “When is the United Nations, the world, those who call themselves civilized, going to react to the genocide, to the massacre that Israeli Zionism is doing to the Palestinian people? (...) Boys and girls burned alive by these fascists and the world doesn't react at all, those who run these organizations feel sorry; they are ashamed, they are a shame for the world, those who run those organizations”.
        • “They are complicit in these massacres against a people; imperialism carries out and executes every day and every day they approve resources from Europe, the United States, to Zionism so that they continue to assassinate the Palestinian people, they disgust and shame.”

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