

What did Diosdado Cabello say on May 23?

Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against sanctions in Amazonas
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 23/05/2024 07:00 PM

This Thursday, May 23, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, accompanied the people of the Atures municipality, in Amazonas in the Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against sanctions.

During the activity, he highlighted that while the Revolution has the candidate of love for the Fatherland, the opposition has a puppet, who has also dared to denigrate our original peoples.

  • “Our brothers from the Original Peoples are the ones who haven't given up in 500 and more years.”
  • “We have the candidate of Chávez, the candidate of the People, the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, the candidate of love for the Fatherland, the brother President Nicolás Maduro, the opposition has a puppet, a puppet, a mischievous person”.
  • “Today he is asking women to vote (...) but tomorrow it's sexodiversity's turn and they insulted them, then they said 'what is missing is for the Indians to be put there too', they said it, not once, several times and today they are turning around asking for the vote of the original peoples, those who despise our history and culture today walk like scares telling the people to 'vote for me'”.
  • “It was President Nicolás Maduro, despite the blockade, sanctions, persecution and assassination attempts, who courageously, independently and in a sovereign manner, stood up to the most powerful empire of all time; and we can say today that 25 years after the Revolution they have not been able to deal with the People of Venezuela nor will they ever be able to with this People.”
  • “It was Commander (Hugo) Chávez who opened the eyes of the People, who made the People have a voice.”

He emphasized to the revolutionary forces the importance of organization ahead of the elections of July 28.

  • We are going to “do things right” to obtain a resounding electoral victory on July 28.
  • “The 1x10 is an extraordinary instrument for checking, for communicating, for transmitting information. Each one by 10 must have a WhatsApp group; if I have 1x10, I open a WhatsApp group with everyone I have in my 1x10 to keep them informed, to ask them every day “How did you wake up?” 
  •  “The 1x10 is the most powerful instrument for organizing the electoral battle, but also for organizing a battle for the defense of the vote.”
  • “Yesterday the record broke the record of every day (...) let's continue there accompanying the defense of the vote and the defense of victory, yes, with us active in the street waiting for the violent”.

He also called to be alert to the violence that the extreme right seeks to impose on the country, while recalling that those same people who have attacked the people are the ones who are now going out to ask for the vote.

  • “Some of our motorized vehicles are out there, alerts going around the city. We have to be aware because these people are driven by evil and there they are mobilizing to plan new guarimbas.”
  • “Just as we tell U.S. imperialism today that enough of the blockade, that enough of the sanctions against our country, we tell the lackeys that they have here, because they are once again asking for invasions, blockades, for Venezuela to continue to be persecuted and that's enough, they want their country for a moment.”
  • They want their Homeland, “to the place where they were born, where they were born. Enough of the hatred against this country!”
  • “Let us remain active, to be aware of the violent, just as we tell U.S. imperialism enough of the blockades against our country, we also tell its lackeys, who are asking for sanctions, that there is enough hate against Venezuela.”
  • “Because the right wing hates the people, on the other hand, we Chavistas have love to give.”
  • “They asked for sanctions, blockade, invasions and now they come to say 'vote for me because I am good, I give you a chance' (...) they are the liars of politics”.
  • They are “political hypocrites”.
  • “The right wing is doing what it usually does: manipulating and lying, and our best mechanism is for our people to be informed, for our people to be in permanent contact.”

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