

What did Diosdado Cabello say on June 10, 2024? (+photos)

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 10/06/2024 05:09 PM

This Monday, June 10, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, participated in the Conference on Forms of Organization of the Bolivarian Revolution, in which leaders of social movements and political parties from other countries participated.

During the meeting, Cabello highlighted that the PSUV has worked to be the vanguard of the Bolivarian Revolution and is preparing to win a new victory ahead of the presidential elections of July 28.

  • “We have been doing tests over the years, the party is a great political force and we are trying to be the vanguard of the Bolivarian Revolution with a presence in all the municipalities and parishes of the country.”
  • “We have gone to the territorialization of the party, we have gone to all the streets, today we have a presence in every street and community in Venezuela and now we have reached the 31st election and we have won 28, we have also taken on the defeats.”
  • “For this 28th of July we have a candidate
    Nicolás Maduro
    , accompanied by the Patriotic Pole parties, and social movements and groups”.

He also recalled the record of the Venezuelan extreme right, which today is all over the country asking the people to vote and participating in elections, but still seeks to promote violence.

  • It seems strange, but in Venezuela, promoted by the right wing, human beings were burned alive, and the excuse given was to appear to be chavistas, humble and hardworking people. These neofascist groups had a fascist proposal and were murdering people. They hung ropes and wires on the roads so that people would die with their throats cut, we have had to fight against that violence and today they are the same people who want to go to elections in sheep's clothing.”
  • “We have been victims of invasions and we have defeated them thanks to the civic-military-police union.”
  • “The sectors of the right are not preparing for an election, they are preparing for violence, we know them.”
  • “On July 28, after the National Electoral Council (CNE) announces the results, they are going to go to Miraflores no matter what the results are (...) it is an insurrectional call, we warn this because the great global campaign is against us.”
  • “Everyone has participated in the coups d'etat. And now they have the speech that the government is going to suspend the elections.”
  • “The sectors of the right are not preparing for an election, they are preparing for violence, we know them.”
  • The right wing calls that “on July 28, after the National Electoral Council (CNE) announces the results, they are going to go to Miraflores no matter what the results are (...) it is an insurrectional call, we warn this because the great global campaign is against us”.
  • “We are on the right track for July 28, we know that the opposition, after the results are announced, will sing fraud and call for violence, we alert you, as we have told our people, because international solidarity is fundamental, support between peoples is essential in these cases.”

He warned that Venezuela will not accept guardianship from any country in the electoral process of July 28. At the same time, he denounced how the United States has financed groups of the Venezuelan right to promote violence.

  • “In Venezuela, we do not accept that any country in the world intends to come and protect us in the presidential elections on July 28.”
  • “We categorically refuse that a country or group of countries want to come and protect the elections in Venezuela, that is a matter for Venezuelans.”
  • Anyone who wants to come and see what the Venezuelan electoral process is like can do so as long as they respect the rules established by the National Electoral Council (CNE).
  • “The United States (USA) invests in destabilizing governments and creating anxiety against States that they cannot dominate or cannot set lines for them, such as Venezuela since the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez and President Nicolás Maduro.”
  • President Maduro has a total line of independence, we do not depend on the United States and the European Union (EU), we act from the conscience in the mandate of our people that has generated enmity with North American imperialism.” 
  •  The internal affairs of Venezuela, “we Venezuelans resolve them, no one else. They want to teach us lessons and their countries are a disaster.”

He invited social and political movements around the world to continue increasing communication channels to continue informing.

  • “Venezuela is the home of all of you and we are at the ready for any activity, any task you entrust to us.”
  • Before, the media in Venezuela were a great power, “they were in charge; one day a channel came out and gave the results of presidential elections before the Electoral Power and those results stayed.” 
  •  It is necessary to maintain the lines of action, of companionship, of brotherhood, of solidarity, “we are clear that what we are facing is the Monroe Doctrine of gringos and that is why we must defend the independence of the Peoples”.
  • “We have had a great advantage and that is that we have enjoyed the leadership of Commander Hugo Chávez and President Nicolás Maduro.”
  • “The enemy is imperialism, it doesn't want us because we are determined to continue being a free, independent and sovereign country.”

PSUV press conference

Like every Monday, the revolutionary leader also led the PSUV press conference, in which he highlighted how the machinery is organized for the elections of July 28.

  • “We had an extraordinary activity with the brother president of our party and candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, Nicolás Maduro, to check and review the electoral 1x10. And after that extraordinary day, it makes us think that this is one of the 1x10 best suited to the proposal and the plans we have made in these 25 years of Revolution”.
  • Some 15,804 Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCH) were connected, to which President Maduro gave guidelines; for this reason, he indicated that in the PSUV of the “1x10 plus the machinery of the 5x5, we went to 1x10x7".
  • As part of the vertices of the 1x10x7, the Missions, Great Missions, Mission Bases and the original Peoples were included.
  • “We have reasons to be happy, many reasons to be satisfied, many reasons because our feet are on the ground, everything we have been doing has our feet on the ground.”
  • We are going to hold a press conference, which could be held on Wednesday, where all the details about this new vertex of the 1x10x7 electoral will be explained to the militancy. “How are we going to record them so that we can keep track of them, the crossings (...) and have real numbers”.
  • “We are getting support from President Nicolás Maduro's campaign throughout Venezuela.”
  • “Everyone who has a 1X10 must have their WhatsApp group for information, we inform you and you inform your people.”
  • We are going to turn that 1x10 after July 28 into a social, caring and problem-solving 1X10.
  • “This people is noble and stands up and gives us lessons every day, and that tells us that it is a real Revolution.”
  • “The walls speak and are like stone, they talk and shout that Nicolás Maduro wins on July 28.”
  • “When we do revision activities, it is a process of criticism and self-criticism for us, typical of a revolution. We have stated that the 1x10 must be profoundly ethical and attached to the truth”.

He also reaffirmed that the Venezuelan opposition sets the stage to promote violence and sing fraud.

  • In the opposition “there are no projects, there is no town, there is no street... Victory is in the hands of the Bolivarian Revolution!
  • “Every time there is an election and the opposition loses, they come out saying that they were deceived and they are going to hand over the evidence. There are professional fraud singers and they are all members of the opposition.”
  • “This behavior leaves much to be desired by someone who wants to lead a country by electoral means.”
  • The right wing is always ready to criticize the organization of the PSUV, since “none of them will recognize it, after they spoke of the 1x10 straw; all they are going to say is that the party's machinery is cheating”.
  • “We are not going to wait for a disaster to happen in Venezuela, so I say that we are not going to allow violence, we are not going to allow manifestations of hate of any kind.”
  • “We are going to guarantee peace after the 28th. We are not going to allow violence, guarimbas, or calls for hate against people or institutions.”
  • “Every time they release news they say about the 'alleged attack', that was denied by the mainstream international press (...) they tried to invade this country (...) they have staged a coup d'etat and the opposition denies it.”
  • “About Luis Eduardo Martínez it's the logical thing, the natural thing about an electoral process, it's the natural thing about life... Whoever believes that they were born only to succeed will clash with reality and realize that this is not the case.”
  • Jorge Rodríguez, general coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, has already proposed an agreement.”
  • “If you are going to elections with the CNE, you know that these are going to be audited, then to a checkup, before, during and after.”

Regarding the decision of Colombia and Brazil not to send companions in the next elections, he said:

  • “They miss it (Colombia and Brazil), I should come to Venezuela to learn how to make a choice. They say they don't have time, that's their problem. But they should come so that they can learn from the best CNE and the best people in the world.”
  • The invitation to these nations is maintained as long as they respect the rules established by the CNE.

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