

Vladimir Putin: Russia will do everything possible to eradicate Nazism

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Photo: Internet

Published at: 27/01/2024 10:45 PM

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, assured this Saturday that his country will do “everything possible to stop and completely eradicate Nazism”, during the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Soviet civilians who were victims of the Nazi genocide during the Second World War.

The inauguration of the memorial complex coincides with the 80th anniversary of the uprising of the siege of Leningrad, the most brutal siege of the Second World War. Along with Putin, his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, also participated in the ceremony.

During his speech, Putin assured that current followers of Nazi ideology are doomed. “We will do everything we can to stop and completely eradicate Nazism. The followers of the Nazi executioners, no matter what they are called today, are doomed. And nothing can stop the desire of millions of people, not only in our country, but all over the planet, for true freedom, justice, peace and security,” stressed the Russian head of state.

The Russian president noted that today some countries directly use Nazi methods: Ukraine resorts to terror and barbaric murders, and Europe promotes Russophobia at the state level.

“We see how these days the results of the Nuremberg trials are being reviewed, during which Nazism was given an unequivocal legal assessment. In some countries, history is not only being rewritten and the executioners justified. The revanchists and the neo-Nazis have adopted the ideology and methods of the Nazis,” said Putin.