

VII International Congress of African and Global Southern Knowledge began this Wednesday

7th International Congress of African and Global Southern Knowledge
Venezuela News Photos

Published at: 27/11/2024 12:56 PM

This Wednesday, November 27 , under the motto “Grow in Unity”, the VII International Congress of African and Southern Knowledge was installed at the headquarters of the Salvador Allende Foundation of the University of Sciences and Health, located on the corner of El Chorro, Avenida Universidad, in Caracas.

The opening ceremony was led by the Deputy Minister for Africa of the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Yuri Pimentel, who urged strengthening “unity in the face of horror” so that hope prevails and a “more just and humane society” can be consolidated.

“This will only be possible in the knowledge and recognition of realities and discerning the cause of all the ills that our peoples suffer, because of capitalism and imperialism,” he said, referring to the importance of the congress that “problematizes the challenges of humanity in the face of injustices, inequality, misery and all the ills that the world suffers”.

He reaffirmed that Venezuela will continue to contribute to the “development of a new international geopolitics, in which a multicentric and multipolar world takes shape to achieve balance in the universe and guarantee planetary peace.”

The agenda of the congress is structured around two working groups: the first, entitled “Challenges and obstacles to overcome for the strengthening of the Global South” and the second table, “Proposals for the strengthening of the Global South”.

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